Mozilla Campus Club CCEW is a student committee working to spread awareness on Open Source software. We organize webinars and workshops on different technical topics and making Open Source contributions. This is a collaboration with ASME CCOEW
This repository is only for students of MKSSS's Cummins college of engineering Pune.
• Any PR(Pull Request) from outside college will not be accepted.
• Maximum of four PR's will be allowed in this repository.
• Mention your "firstname lastname" on your GitHub profile (If we are unable to identify you we won't accept your PR).
• Any kind of spamming won't be tolerated.
• Make sure you have registered on google form which was circulated (Check your mails to get the registration link).
• Make sure the code is with proper indentation and comments.
• In case of any plagiarism your PR will be rejected.
• Issues will be assigned on first come first serve basis.
• If you wish to work on any issue comment on the issue with your name, C no, Year and Branch. Once you are assigned with the issue you can start working on it.
• You will get maximum 3 days to work on an issue. If failed to do so the issue will be assigned to other student.