This release includes a number of performance improvements and bug fixes
New features have been added to convolutions for auto-tuning kernels
Activations now have new modes available
Documentation has been updated and corrected
Fixed documentation errors
Fixed bug in activations with pass-through mode
Fixed performance database locking issues
Fixed Winograd kernel behavior for stride 2 backwards data
Fixed a bug in OpTensor layer
Fixed a timing issue with batch normalization inline assembly
Fixed issue with an unnecessary binary creation in assembly bug detection
Fixed issue with disk program cache directory not being created
Fixed a bug with convolution+bias
Added to performance database functionality
Added leaky-ReLU, clipped, and exponential-ReLU modes to activation
Added documentation for performance database usage
Added support for 1x1 convolutions with non-zero padding
Added API for printing status codes as strings
Added auto-tuning feature for convolutions
Improved LSTM and GRU backwards pass performance
Improved debug and error reporting information
Improved performance of batch normalization spatial mode
Improved find stage for convolutions
Improved readability for user database file
Known Issues:
RNNs do not support fp16
Training with CNNs does not support fp16
You can’t perform that action at this time.