Releases: ROCm/MIOpen
Releases · ROCm/MIOpen
MIOpen v1.4.2
- This release is a hot-fix to enable ICNet and PSPNet
Known Issues:
- RNNs do not support fp16
- Training with CNNs does not support fp16
- Users may encounter a warning that their performance database is out of date. The performance database can be updated by setting the environment variable for just the initial run of an application:
For more information on the performance database, see:
MIOpen v1.4.1
- This release includes a bug fix for 3x3 convolutions
- Updated README file configuration instructions
Known Issues:
- RNNs do not support fp16
- Training with CNNs does not support fp16
- Users may encounter a warning that their performance database is out of date. The performance database can be updated by setting the environment variable for just the initial run of an application:
For more information on the performance database, see:
MIOpen v1.4.0
- This release includes a number of performance improvements and bug fixes
- New features have been added to convolutions for auto-tuning kernels
- Activations now have new modes available
- Documentation has been updated and corrected
- Fixed documentation errors
- Fixed bug in activations with pass-through mode
- Fixed performance database locking issues
- Fixed Winograd kernel behavior for stride 2 backwards data
- Fixed a bug in OpTensor layer
- Fixed a timing issue with batch normalization inline assembly
- Fixed issue with an unnecessary binary creation in assembly bug detection
- Fixed issue with disk program cache directory not being created
- Fixed a bug with convolution+bias
- Added to performance database functionality
- Added leaky-ReLU, clipped, and exponential-ReLU modes to activation
- Added documentation for performance database usage
- Added support for 1x1 convolutions with non-zero padding
- Added API for printing status codes as strings
- Added auto-tuning feature for convolutions
- Improved LSTM and GRU backwards pass performance
- Improved debug and error reporting information
- Improved performance of batch normalization spatial mode
- Improved find stage for convolutions
- Improved readability for user database file
Known Issues:
- RNNs do not support fp16
- Training with CNNs does not support fp16
MIOpen v1.3.0
- Performance improvements for RNNs
- Performance improvements for convolutions using 1x1 filters
- Performance improvement for Batch Normalization
- This release adds preliminary fp16 support for Inference using CNNs
- Bug fixes for various components of MIOpen
- Added 2 new API for RNNs: miopenGetRNNLayerParamOffset and miopenGetRNNLayerBiasOffset
- Added support for uninitialized hidden states and nullptr outputs in RNNs
- Added support for Set and Scale operations for strided tensors with dimensions 1 to 5
- Added multi-thread and multi-process support for the performance database
- Improved performance for OpTensor
- Fixed bug in convolutions for backward bias
- Fixed logic issues in get and set layer functions and related w_supertensor test
- Fixed hang in batch norm with batch sizes greater than 256
Known Issues:
- RNNs do not support fp16
- Training with CNNs does not support fp16
MIOpen v1.2.1
This release adds support for ROCm 1.7.1.
MIOpen v1.2.0
- This release adds the support for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for three flavors - Vanilla, LSTMs, and GRU
- Users can now themselves update the perf-db file, which hosts the tuning parameters for convolutions, by setting appropriate environment variables
- Over 50% improvement in ResNet performance since the last release
- Multiple padding modes like Same and Valid added
- Winograd convolution kernels added for strided bwd-data convolutions
- Tensor Ops allow for beta and alpha scaling values and support up to 5 dimensions with strides and offsets
- Tensor Copy supports up to 5 dimesnional copies with strides and offsets
- Unit-tests for LRN are added
- Several bug fixes for all the layers of the library
Known issues:
- RNNs may give incorrect result due to a known compiler bug; issue may particulary arise during some RNNs configs with GEMM of size power of 4
- Potential issue where OpenCL resources will be exhausted for large RNN
MIOpen v.1.1.4
Merge branch '1.1.x' of into 1.1.x
MIOpen v.1.1.1
- Performance improvements for the HIP backend
- Robust error-checking
MIOpen v1.1
- The scaling parameter alpha and shift parameter beta for layers kernels are only supported for alpha = 1 and beta = 0. The exceptions to this are for miopenOptTensor, miopenConvolutionForwardBias, and miopenConvolutionBackwardBias.
- Currently, only 32-bit floats are supported in MIOpen.
- MIOpen only supports tensor layout NCHW.
- Added persistent cache for compiled GPU kernels
- Performance improvements for batch normalization kernels
- Performance improvements for all types of convolutions for 1x1 filters
- Performance improvements for all types of convolutions with non-unit strides
- Performance improvements for backward-weights convolutions for 3x3 filters
- Performance improvements for the AddTensor operation
- Various bug fixes for Winograd convolutions
Bump version