DeepO is a learning-based query optimizer that offers high-quality and fine-grained optimization to user queries. We implement DeepO and incorporate it into PostgreSQL, and we also provide with a web UI, where users can carry out the optimization operations interactively and evaluate the optimization performance.
- PostgreSQL installed with pg_hint_plan extension.
- JOB dataset downloaded and loaded into PostgreSQL.
- Create the virtual environment and activate it
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate deepo
- Set the connection configuration of PostgreSQL in
- Use following commands if you want to train your own Cost Learner.
# Generate scan embedding intermediate result python # embedding plan into sequence python # train the Cost Learner python # evaluate the learning performance python
- Use following commands to estimate cost and optimize new queries.
python python # The optimized queries will be saved in /data/SQL_with_hint
This repository is still under development, contact Luming Sun ([email protected]) if you have any questions.