Data and code for: Non-random interactions within and across guilds shape the potential to coexist in multi-trophic ecological communities
the raw data is available in the /data folder, in .RData files that hold nested lists with the raw values of number of visits and number of plant co-occurrences. Every other manipulation is stored in the /results folder.
All results and figures from the study are already generated in the relevant folders. To re-run the analyses, run each script in order. Script with prefix 01 is used to generate community matrices; scripts with prefix 02 are used to calculate different metrics and results; scripts with prefix 03 analyse these metrics and generate figures and tables.
In particular, figures and tables of the main text can be generated via the following scripts:
- Figure 1: "aux_plot_network_layouts". This is midway between R-code and manual tweaking
- Figure 2: "03_plot_feasibility_domain"
- Figure 3: "03_plot_sp_metrics"
- Figure 4: "03_plot_feasibility_distribution"
- Figure 5 and table 1: "03_feasibility_metrics_analysis"
Note that there are different auxiliary scripts both in the main R folder and in one subfolder. Also, please note that some of the scripts are very computationally demanding.