This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The backend server provided by Kaluza team must be up and running. The service providing the device info must be available at http://localhost:8080/devices/
Once this repo has been cloned, run the script:
To install all required dependencies and then:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
In order to implement this MVP as a single page application I have worked with this stack:
I have written components with functional style when using stateless components and ES6 classes when building stateful components.
Used to manage the app state. In this case we are storing the following info in the store:
- deviceList: an array with all info related to devices
- loading: boolean flag to know if the info is being loaded
- error: in case there's an error fetching the devices store the error
- typeDisplayed: the current device type that is being displayed in the list. In case is
all device types will be displayed. - filter: the value of current filter used for the device status. Values could be
Used to style the spa.
Used to make asynchronous requests in the action creators
Used to work with dates in JS
Used to normalize browsers default styles with styled components
Because it's a very simple application I haven't used a very fancy folder structure.
This is the entry point of our React App
Here is where our app is initialized
Here we store information used to configure our application that can be dependant on the evironment (dev, test, prod). API urls, API keys, Formats, languages,...
Here we create the redux store and load any middleware used.
Here we store components that wrap a whole page, in this case we only have one DeviceListPage
As mentioned before, because it's a small app we are storing all components used here. For a larger app this won't be very scalable because it will grow and won't be easy to handle the large list of components. A different approach should be used for a larger app like fractal or similar.
Here is where we manage the redux state. I have used ducks
file structure to organise action names, action creators and reducers. Duck files structure
Here we store all static files needed, images, videos, .... (in this case, just a couple of images stolen from Kaluza site :-) )
Here we store the style component theme, global styles and everything related to styling that is reused across the app
I was not sure if these should be part of the MVP, because of time constraints I decided not to include them and just leave some notes here about them.
It was not mentioned in the exercise description so I decided to make this work for desktop resolutions. In "real life" this should be displayed correctly in mobile devices.
This should be nice, I have left the boolean flag implemented in the redux state. So the idea is that while the flag loading
is true render a loading spinner, otherwise try to render the device list. It was not worth it because the loading time is very fast since we are fetching from our local server.
This is just creating a nice message saying there are no devices to display
Specially React components.