- Assume that we have installed Node.js, Git, VSCode and created a folder where the codes will be saved.
- After writing some codes in TypeScript,
- Open
and type:
tsc (fileName.ts)
- This command will transpile our .ts file in a JavaScript file,
- To make it reload automatically and watch the changes, use:
tsc (fileName.js) -w
- Install Nodemon
npm install -g nodemon
Node Monitor - Node reload, automatically
- Open another bash cmd and type:
nodemon (fileName)
- This bash command makes the Node to reload automatically after changes in file
- In root folder of the project, install jest:
npm i -D jest
- Installing types for TypeScript jest
npm i -D @types
- Installing ts-test which compiles first and then run the tests
npm i -D ts-jest
- Creating a file jest.config.js in the root of the project and pass this in it:
module.exports = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: 'node',
- In package.json put this:
"scripts": {
"test": "jest",
"built": "tsc"
- Create a test file named just like the file you want to test.
- Example: the file we want to test: foo.ts
- Example: the test file named: foo.test.ts
To see if the configuration is properly installed, just write a test like this:
- In foo.ts
export function boo(a, b) { return a + b; }
- In foo.test.ts
import { boo } from './foo'; describe('Testing boo()', () => { it('boo(3, 5): return 8', () => { expect(boo(3, 5).toBe(8), }), });
Now run the test
run test