- recipe database
- ingredient database
- ingredients map to real purchaseable products
- shopping list generation
- shopping list optimization
- shopping list metrics
- efficiency
- leftover food / waste
- nutrition facts for recipe based on ingredients
- start with scraping recipes to get some data to start with
- design a data format to store recipe info
- visualize recipe data
- try to check for errors on a large scale
- store recipe data to database
- create methods to check and update only new or changed recipe data
- scrape ingredient (product) data
- design data format to store ingredient data
- normalize ingredient data from recipes and products so they can be matched up
- think about fuzzy matching
- how to handle user corrections or user preferences?
- use pants as build system?
- have to use WSL on windows
- need to pick a unit test framework and start writing tests
- need to keep track of acceptable use for each site
- can only use recepies that allow the ingredient info to be shared
- minimalistbaker.com allows this for example