Certainly! Combining the frontend and backend README content, we can create a comprehensive guide for the entire CircleUp social networking platform project.
CircleUp is a comprehensive social networking platform designed to connect users through posts, friend connections, and personal profiles. The platform features a dynamic theme switcher, user authentication, post creation and management, friends management, and more, all built with modern web technologies.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration with form validation.
- Dynamic Theming: Users can switch between light and dark themes.
- Post Management: Users can view, create, and update posts.
- Friend System: Users can add or remove friends, view friend lists, and manage friend interactions.
- Profile Management: Users can view and update their profiles.
- Secure Password Handling: Passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt.
- Middleware Authentication: Protects routes with JWT token verification to ensure that requests are authenticated.
- Image Uploads: Supports profile and post picture uploads.
- Responsive Design: The UI is responsive and supports various device sizes.
- React.js
- Redux Toolkit for state management
- Material UI for component library
- Formik and Yup for form handling and validation
- react-dropzone for file uploads
- Node.js and Express.js for the server
- MongoDB with Mongoose for the database
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication
- bcrypt for password hashing
- multer for handling file uploads
- dotenv for environment variable management
- cors for cross-origin resource sharing
- helmet for security headers
- morgan for HTTP request logging
- Node.js
- MongoDB instance (local or remote)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://your-repository-url.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-project-directory
Install dependencies for both frontend and backend: Navigate to each directory (
) and run:npm install
Set up environment variables:
- For the backend, create a
file in the root directory of/server
and add:MONGO_URL=your_mongodb_connection_string JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret_key PORT=your_preferred_port (default is 6001)
- For the frontend, if there are any environment variables (like API endpoints), ensure they are set in
files as needed.
- For the backend, create a
Start the server and client:
- For the backend, navigate to the
directory and run:npm start
- For the frontend, navigate to the
directory and run:npm start
- For the backend, navigate to the
A brief overview of key API endpoints. Refer to the specific sections above for more details.
- Auth:
- Register:
POST /auth/register
- Login:
POST /auth/login
- Register:
- Users:
- Get User:
GET /users/:id
- Get User Friends:
GET /users/:id/friends
- Add/Remove Friend:
PATCH /users/:id/:friendId
- Get User:
- Posts:
- Create Post:
POST /posts
- Get Feed Posts:
GET /posts
- Get User Posts:
GET /posts/:userId/posts
- Like Post:
PATCH /posts/:id/likes
- Create Post:
This application implements security best practices, including hashed passwords, token-based authentication, and security headers, to ensure user data protection and secure access to endpoints.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.