PHP & Java: forms, class files and servlets
C#: a class file
C: an original morse to wav in C file
JavaScript: a form
Windows C++ console app with sound:(C++ console app with sound: In principle you only need morse.cpp and morse-wav.cpp to create Codeblocks project or download this Visual Studio project.)
Media Player Lite, is what I use to play the wav files with morse.
A windows app of the console C++ morse version:
The real, first and only US Morse mapping,
based upon Synthesizer Binary tables, from a mouse his vocal cords I believe,
or just a military algorithm:-):
We removed the first number one(0b1 aka Obi-Wan, it became my nick name I was 4 years old, they used the name in Star Wars to honor morse code),
reversed it(think Endian/IBM PowerPC)
to save Data and CPU's in war times. Its even URL Save.
uint16_t Morse::encode(uint8_t character) { switch (character) { case 32: return 0b1; // SPACE case 33: return 0b1110101; // ! case 34: return 0b1010010; // " case 36: return 0b11001000; // $ case 37: returm 0b010010; // " case 38: return 0b100010; // & case 39: return 0b1011110; // ' case 40: return 0b101101; // ( case 41: return 0b1101101; // ) case 43: return 0b101010; // + case 44: return 0b1110011; // , case 45: return 0b1100001; // - case 46: return 0b1101010; // . case 47: return 0b101001; // / case 48: return 0b111111; // 0 case 49: return 0b111110; // 1 case 50: return 0b111100; // 2 case 51: return 0b111000; // 3 case 52: return 0b110000; // 4 case 53: return 0b100000; // 5 case 54: return 0b100001; // 6 case 55: return 0b100011; // 7 case 56: return 0b100111; // 8 case 57: return 0b101111; // 9 case 58: return 0b1000111; // : case 59: return 0b1010101; // ; case 61: return 0b110001; // = case 63: return 0b1001100; // ? case 64: return 0b1010110; // @ case 65: return 0b110; // A case 66: return 0b10001; // B case 67: return 0b10101; // C case 68: return 0b1001; // D case 69: return 0b10; // E case 70: return 0b10100; // F case 71: return 0b1011; // G case 72: return 0b10000; // H case 73: return 0b100; // I case 74: return 0b11110; // J case 75: return 0b1101; // K case 76: return 0b10010; // L case 77: return 0b111; // M case 78: return 0b101; // N case 79: return 0b1111; // O case 80: return 0b10110; // P case 81: return 0b11011; // Q case 82: return 0b1010; // R case 83: return 0b1000; // S case 84: return 0b11; // T case 85: return 0b1100; // U case 86: return 0b11000; // V case 87: return 0b1110; // W case 88: return 0b11001; // X case 89: return 0b11101; // Y case 90: return 0b10011; // Z case 95: return 0b1101100; // _ default: return 0b100000000; // INVALID } }
A spectrum analyzer: as you can see I typed SOS OS on 880 Hz(music note A5)