Class for analyzing the 2015 razor ntuples
cmsrel CMSSW_7_1_5
cd CMSSW_7_1_5/src
git clone
cd RazorAnalyzer
Copy analyzers/ and replace each instance of "DummyAnalyzer" with the name of your desired analyzer. Modify the body of the Analyze function to define your analyzer's behavior. You do NOT need to write a header file for the analyzer class; the Makefile will generate one for you automatically.
. This will create an executablebin/Run<name of your analyzer>
. You can execute your analysis using this program directly or by calling it via theRazorRun
After compiling,
./RazorRun <list of input files> <name of your analyzer> <options>
Example: to execute a dummy analysis that does nothing,
./RazorRun lists/TTJets_List_Test.txt DummyAnalyzer
The NormalizeNtuple macro opens a specified set of files and adds a 'weight' branch to each TTree in each file. The value of 'weight' is the same for all events in a tree and is equal to CrossSection/NEvents, where NEvents is the total number of events processed for the given dataset. The cross sections can be found in the file data/xSections.dat. To run NormalizeNtuple:
./NormalizeNtuple <input file>
See lists/filestonormalize/testTTJets.txt for an example input file to be used with NormalizeNtuple.
The main controller of the fit and limit setting comes from the configuration file, which defines the binning used in the binned fit, the initlial values of the shape parameters, etc.
Setup combine from lxplus:
mkdir ~/work/RAZORRUN2/
cd ~/work/RAZORRUN2/
cmsrel CMSSW_7_1_5
cd CMSSW_7_1_5/src/
git clone HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git pull origin razor1dpdf_71X
scramv1 b clean; scramv1 b
cd ../..
Proceed with the usual setup of RazorAnalyzer:
git clone
cd RazorAnalyzer
Make output directories to make workflow easier
mkdir Datasets
mkdir FitResults; mkdir FitProjections; mkdir cards
Now convert the SM MC ntuples into a SM Cocktail RooDataSet (ignoring the QCD contirbution).
python python/ -c config/run2_sideband.config -b MultiJet -d Datasets/ -w -l 4000 \
root:// \
root:// \
root:// \
root:// \
root:// \
root:// \
root:// \
Similarly you can run over the data,
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d Datasets/ --data -l 1264 root://
To perform the fit on the SM Cocktail,
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d FitResults -l 4000 Datasets/RazorInclusive_SMCocktail_weighted_lumi-4.000_0-3btag_MultiJet.root
To produce the signal templates,
python python/ -c config/run2_sideband.config -b MultiJet -d Datasets/ -l 4000 root://
To run Bayesian toys, marginalizing the shape parameters to estimate the systematic uncertainty in each bin, and produce a large number of other 1D fit projections, and the 2D projections in MR and Rsq,
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -i FitResults/BinnedFitResults_MultiJet.root -d FitResults -t 10000
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d FitResults -i FitResults/BinnedFitResults_MultiJet.root -t FitResults/toys_Bayes_MultiJet.root
Next, to produce the datacards and run combine, execute the following:
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -w -l 4000 -d Datasets Signals/RazorInclusive_SMS-T1bbbb_2J_mGl-1500_mLSP-100_1pb_weighted.root
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d cards --lumi-array 4 -m T1bbbb --mGluino 1500 --mLSP 100
To submit jobs to run the limits on the data:
mkdir ~/work/RAZORRUN2/Limits/
python python/ -i FitResults/BinnedFitResults.root -c config/run2_sideband.config --data -l 1.264 -m T1bbbb -b MultiJet -d cards/ -q 8nh
After the jobs finish, the output files will be in Limits directory we just created
cp ~/work/RAZORRUN2/Limits/cards/higgs*.root cards/
python python/ -m T1bbbb -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d cards/ -l 1.264
python python/ -m T1bbbb -b MultiJet -d cards/
To make the final (expected) limit plot, we need to check out a different repository.
git clone [email protected]:RazorCMS/PlotsSMS
cd PlotsSMS
Note you have to change the smoothed cross section limit file location in config/SUS15004/T1bbbb_Exp_SUS15004.cfg. Then you can run it,
python python/ config/SUS15004/T1bbbb_Exp_SUS15004.cfg T1bbbbAsymptotic
To make an "unweighted" dataset (not needed for the preceding commands), execute
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d Datasets Datasets/RazorAnalysis_SMCocktail_weighted_lumi-4.000_0-3btag_MultiJet.root
To make a .csv file of the yields in the cards directory, run the following command
python python/ -b MultiJet -c config/run2_sideband.config -d cards Datasets/RazorInclusive_SMS-T1bbbb_2J_mGl-1500_mLSP-100_weighted_lumi-4.000_0-3btag_MultiJet.root Datasets/RazorInclusive_SMCocktail_weighted_lumi-3.0_1-3btag_MultiJet.root --print-yields