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- ROG is an include file which allows you to generate random valid origins around the map. It could be used to create random player spawns or in Battle Royale mods(PUBG/Fortnite) to spawn the floor loot/drop crates/llamas, etc.
  • Loading branch information
SergeyShorokhov committed Mar 27, 2024
1 parent d40db0a commit 7509f2b
Showing 1 changed file with 361 additions and 0 deletions.
361 changes: 361 additions & 0 deletions cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/include/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
#if defined _rog_included
#define _rog_included

#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta_util>


new const PrimaryDefaultMapEntities[][] =

new const SecondaryDefaultMapEntities[][] =

new Array:DefaultMapEntitiesArray
new Array:FoundOriginsArray

new CurrentPositionInArray

* Initializes the random origin generator and fills the arrays.
* @param MinDistance The minimum distance between points
* @param CheckFunction Allows you to set custom conditions for origins (optional)
* @noreturn
stock ROGInitialize(Float:MinDistance, const CheckFunction[] = "")
new i
if(DefaultMapEntitiesArray == Invalid_Array)
//We find the origin of default map entities and search around this places
DefaultMapEntitiesArray = ArrayCreate()
for(i = 0; i < sizeof PrimaryDefaultMapEntities; i++)
if(i < 2)

new Size = ArraySize(DefaultMapEntitiesArray)
new Float:EntityOrigin[3], EntityIndex
if(FoundOriginsArray == Invalid_Array)
FoundOriginsArray = ArrayCreate(3)
//Support for multiple calls for ROGInitialize

for(i = 0; i < Size; i++)
EntityIndex = ArrayGetCell(DefaultMapEntitiesArray, i)
new class[32]
pev(EntityIndex, pev_classname, class, 31)

if(class[0] == 'i')
pev(EntityIndex, pev_origin, EntityOrigin)
fm_get_brush_entity_origin(EntityIndex, EntityOrigin)

SearchForOrigins(EntityOrigin, 5000.0, CheckFunction, Float:MinDistance)

* Retrieves a random origin.
* @note Once all origins are used it will start over, meaning it will never run out of points.
* @note Gets the points one by one from the array.
* @param Origin Origin array
* @noreturn
stock ROGGetOrigin(Float:Origin[3])
if(CurrentPositionInArray >= ArraySize(FoundOriginsArray))
CurrentPositionInArray = 0

ArrayGetArray(FoundOriginsArray, CurrentPositionInArray, Origin)

* Retrieves a random origin.
* @note Gets the points from the array in random order
* @param Origin Origin array
* @noreturn
stock ROGGetRandomOrigin(Float:Origin[3])
ArrayGetArray(FoundOriginsArray, random_num(0, ArraySize(FoundOriginsArray) - 1), Origin)

* Randomizes the origin array.
* @noreturn
stock ROGShuffleOrigins()
new Size = ArraySize(FoundOriginsArray), j
for (new i = Size - 1; i > 0; i--)
j = random_num(0, i)
ArraySwap(FoundOriginsArray, i, j)

* Shows all generated origins and their count.
* @noreturn
stock ROGDumpOriginData()
new Float:EntityOrigin[3], i
new Size = ArraySize(FoundOriginsArray)

for(i = 0; i < Size; i++)
ArrayGetArray(FoundOriginsArray, i, EntityOrigin)
server_print("[%d] %f %f %f", i, EntityOrigin[0], EntityOrigin[1], EntityOrigin[2])

server_print("Generated %d random origins", i)

* Returns the total amount of random origins in the array.
* @return Total number of random origins in the array
stock ROGGetOriginsNum()
return ArraySize(FoundOriginsArray);

stock AddEntityIfFound(const ClassName[])
new Entity = fm_find_ent_by_class(MaxClients, ClassName)
ArrayPushCell(DefaultMapEntitiesArray, Entity)
return 1

return 0

stock SearchForOrigins(Float:ReferenceOrigin[3], Float:Radius, const CheckFunction[], Float:MinDistance)
new Float:RandomOrigin[3], Float:SkyOrigin[3], Float:FloorOrigin[3], Float:PlaneNormal[3], Float:BackupOrigin[3], j
new CallState, CallReturnValue

new Array:test = ArrayCreate(3)

for(new i = 1; i <= MAX_SEARCH_ITERATIONS; i++)
RandomOrigin = ReferenceOrigin
for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//Get a random origin starting from a reference point
RandomOrigin[j] += random_float((-1) * Radius, Radius)

//Detect the floor, so we don't spawn the player in air
FloorOrigin[0] = RandomOrigin[0]
FloorOrigin[1] = RandomOrigin[1]
FloorOrigin[2] = -8192.0

BackupOrigin = RandomOrigin

engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, RandomOrigin, FloorOrigin, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, 0, 0)
get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, RandomOrigin)

get_tr2(0, TR_vecPlaneNormal, PlaneNormal)
if(PlaneNormal[2] < 0.7)
//ground is too steep, player will start sliding down most likely
//also if it's that steep players shouldn't be able to climb it, could be an unreachable spot
//0.7 seems to be used in the bot navigation code from regamedll

engfunc(EngFunc_TraceHull, BackupOrigin, RandomOrigin, IGNORE_MONSTERS, HULL_HUMAN, 0, 0)
new HitEntity = get_tr2(0, TR_pHit)

RandomOrigin[2] += 38.0 //make sure we don't spawn in ground

if(fm_point_contents(RandomOrigin) == CONTENTS_EMPTY)
//Find where the sky/roof is
SkyOrigin[0] = RandomOrigin[0]
SkyOrigin[1] = RandomOrigin[1]
SkyOrigin[2] = 8192.0

engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, RandomOrigin, SkyOrigin, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, 0, 0)
get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, SkyOrigin)

if(fm_point_contents(SkyOrigin) == CONTENTS_SKY)
if(get_distance_f(RandomOrigin, SkyOrigin) < 250)
//On maps like de_dust2 players could spawn on the map texture
//All this points are less than 249 units from the sky
//By detecting where the sky is and checking the distance we avoid this scenario

if(CheckFunction[0] != EOS)
CallState = callfunc_begin(CheckFunction)
if(CallState == 1)
callfunc_push_array(_:RandomOrigin, sizeof(RandomOrigin))
CallReturnValue = callfunc_end()

//Don't add the origin if it's too close to another origin
new OriginsCount = ArraySize(FoundOriginsArray)
new Float:OriginToCompare[3]
new bool:IsTooClose
new Float:ClosestOrigin[3], Float:MinimumDistance = 9999.9

for(new j = 0; j < OriginsCount; j++)
ArrayGetArray(FoundOriginsArray, j, OriginToCompare)

new Float:Distance = get_distance_f(RandomOrigin, OriginToCompare)
if(Distance < MinDistance)
IsTooClose = true

if(Distance < MinimumDistance)
MinimumDistance = Distance
ClosestOrigin = OriginToCompare


if(MinimumDistance == 9999.9)
ClosestOrigin = ReferenceOrigin

if(CheckPointsForVisibility(RandomOrigin, ClosestOrigin))
ArrayPushArray(test, RandomOrigin)
ArrayPushArray(FoundOriginsArray, RandomOrigin)


stock bool:ValidSpotFound(Float:Origin[3])
new HandleTraceHull
engfunc(EngFunc_TraceHull, Origin, Origin, DONT_IGNORE_MONSTERS, HULL_HUMAN, 0, HandleTraceHull)
if(get_tr2(HandleTraceHull, TR_InOpen) && !(get_tr2(HandleTraceHull, TR_StartSolid) || get_tr2(HandleTraceHull, TR_AllSolid)))
return true

return false

CheckPointsForVisibility(Float:RandomOrigin[3], Float:ReferenceOrigin[3])
new Float:CopyReferenceOrigin[3]; CopyReferenceOrigin = ReferenceOrigin
new Float:CopyRandomOrigin[3]; CopyRandomOrigin = RandomOrigin
new Float:InitialRandomOrigin[3], Float:InitialReferenceOrigin[3]
InitialRandomOrigin = CopyRandomOrigin
InitialReferenceOrigin = CopyReferenceOrigin

new Float:Fraction, Float:TraceEndOrigin[3]
for(new i = 0; i < 7; i++)
CopyRandomOrigin[2] = CopyRandomOrigin[2] + 100.0
CopyReferenceOrigin[2] = CopyReferenceOrigin[2] + 100.0

engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, InitialRandomOrigin, CopyRandomOrigin, IGNORE_GLASS, -1, 0)
get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, TraceEndOrigin)
if(fm_point_contents(TraceEndOrigin) == CONTENTS_SKY)

engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, InitialReferenceOrigin, CopyReferenceOrigin, IGNORE_GLASS, -1, 0)
get_tr2(0, TR_vecEndPos, TraceEndOrigin)
if(fm_point_contents(TraceEndOrigin) == CONTENTS_SKY)

engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine, CopyRandomOrigin, CopyReferenceOrigin, IGNORE_GLASS, -1, 0)
get_tr2(0, TR_flFraction, Fraction)

if(Fraction == 1.0)
return true

return false

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