A repository for developing, maintaining, and distributing a consistent programming environment.
- Download Docker from https://www.docker.com/
- Install Docker and run it
- Clone the Git repository anywhere on your local system.
- Navigate to the repository (i.e., have it as your working directory)
- Run the following command on the shell
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d container_name
To start the RStudio, Jupyter Lab, and VS Code all together omit the container_name argument.
RStudio will be accessible at http://localhost:8787/
This container includes R v3.6.1 and many R packages as well as Python v3.7.6 and Julia v1.3.1.
Jupyter Lab will be accessible at http://localhost:8888/lab
When prompted for a password, the password is: jupyter.
The available kernels include R v3.6.1 (conda version), Python v3.7.6, and Julia v1.3.1.
For Julia, run the following lines before installing packages to use the user library.
push!(DEPOT_PATH, joinpath(homedir(), ".julia"))
Visual Studio Code with Julia is accesible at http://localhost:8080/
This container includes Julia v1.3.1, Python v3.7.6, and R v3.6.1.
R packages are installed to docker/R/user-library
Julia packages are installed at docker/julia/.julia