5.17.1 - Published 07/08/2023
Release 5.17.1 - Compatible with Thunderbird 91.0-110.0
QuickFolders for Thunderbird 115 has been released, and I am currently fixing important regressions. You can read up on the current progress of this work here: [issue #351]
As this work is exclusively funded by the sale of licenses, please consider buying a license or renewing your previous one if you are interested in using QuickFolders in the future
Tabs for unified folders (such as Unified Inbox) now support showing the actual folders, renamed to their account names:
Redesigned menu icons and fixed a number of issues in the options screen - icons had some problems changing to dark themes. If you experience missing colors in QuickFolders settings, you can enable the about:config setting:
svg.context-properties.content.enabled = true
see also #217 -
Automatically back up the custom folder icons for future restauration in Thunderbird 115. On startup, QuickFolders will automatically backup custom icons on the folder tree (all folder URLs and the locations of their icons) in the file quickFolders-FolderTree.json which will be stored in the profile/extensions folder. This will be only done once automatically.
The backup function can be also invoked manually via the QuickFolders debug menu - to access, click on QuickFolders tools button while holding down SHIFT, and then select Debug / Backup folder tree icons.
Bugs Fixed