This is the first iteration of a web application for the Redeeming Soles "No Kids Left on the Sidelines" project. The mission is to provide for children who are in need of sports shoes but do not have the ability to obtain them. This application is designed to track incoming sport shoes/cleats requests from coaches and youth sports leagues. This application aids in keeping an accurate inventory of sports shoes and prioritizes fulfillment of in-house requests first.
To accomplish this we implemented an additional data base schema in order to account for the inventory of donated shoes.
This application utilizes an Express.js server with a Node.js backend. The data base that is implemented is a MongoDB with custom written schemas. The backend presents all of the data and routing via API.
Account Router:
- /signup - POST route is used for signing up an account. Requires username, password, and email fields.
- /login - GET route is used for signing into an existing account. Requires valid username and password.
Client Router:
- /profile - POST route is used to create a profile. The Following fields are required: account, organizationName, contactFirstName, contactLastName, title, phoneNumber, mailingAddress, city, state, zipCode
- /profile/me - GET route retrieves the profile that is associated with the logged in account.
- /profile/:id - POST route retrieves the profile that is associated with the id that has been passed.
- /profile/:id - PUT route that updates the profile that is associated with the id that has been passed.
Request Item Router:
- /request-item - POST route used to create a new request for the item that is filled out in the form.
Shoes Request Form Router:
- /request - POST route used to create a new request for the shoes that are filled out in the form.
Shoes Router:
- /shoes - POST route used to import the shoe in the form into the inventory. Required fields: shoeType, age, gender, and shoeSize.
- /shoes - GET route used to return a given shoe with the specified characteristics. Required fields: shoeType, age, gender, and shoeSize.
Backend testing was accomplished via the Jest testing suite. This allows for both unit testing individual features and integration testing for newly added features. The test driven development methodology of red green testing was used to ensure once features worked there would be no regression of the current code base. is a package which allows us to write a JSON file to load test the application. We were able to vary the duration, load in number of users, and target of the endpoint in order to try to find the point of failure for a free Heroku account(where the application is hosted). The package yields a report including the following metrics; latency, requests per second, concurrency, and throughput. This is displayed in the picture below.
- 06-16-2018 11:45PM Initial Commit
- 06-17-2018 12:05AM Initial README
- 06-18-2018 08:59AM Scaffolding for the back-end
- 06-18-2018 09:25AM 2nd Scaffolding Commit
- 06-18-2018 11:04AM Account, Client, ShoesRequestForm, RequestItem, and Shoes schema's complete.
- 06-18-2018 12:27AM updated routes
- 06-18-2018 12:31PM updated package.json & secret
- 06-18-2018 04:30PM Account POST/GET testing complete.
- 06-18-2018 04:45PM Client POST/GET testing complete.
- 06-18-2018 05:15PM Submitting placeholder test for CI.
- 06-18-2018 05:30PM adding CORS_ORIGINS var.
- 06-19-2018 08:15AM Update
- 06-19-2018 10:00AM Request Form POST route + testing complete.
- 06-19-2018 12:00PM Request Item POST route + testing complete.
- 06-19-2018 01:00PM adding timeouts to test files to pass CI build.
- 06-19-2018 04:03PM reconciling front and back end properties
- 06-19-2018 04:10PM update to gitignore
- 06-20-2018 03:10PM Order submission working.
- 06-20-2018 12:04PM request shoes is now working and adding to front end
- 06-20-2018 12:16pm request shoes is now working
- 06-20-2018 12:55PM Fixed payload on submit, backend is still not accepting bad request
- 06-20-2018 02:10PM Updated the Title in webpack.common.js
- 06-20-2018 03:10PM front-end Order form submission working.
- 06-21-2018 07:44AM fixed CSS background image
- 06-21-2018 08:06AM optimized the Background image settings
- 06-21-2018 09:36AM merging admin functionality.
- 06-21-2018 09:55AM admin route fix.
- 06-21-2018 10:10AM login signup styling
- 06-21-2018 11:10AM request list is populating and scrolling correctly
- 06-21-2018 11:40AM removing auth-landing lint errors.
- 06-21-2018 11:56AM squashed sign up 409
- 06-21-2018 12:20AM ADMIN view works
- 06-21-2018 12:39PM INPUT SHOES is loading into DB
- 06-21-2018 12:55PM admin has functionality ~except re-loading dashboard
- 06-21-2018 01:02pm signin/login form is looking nice
- 06-21-2018 02:38PM Profile display is properly displaying all data
- 06-21-2018 02:52PM form datalists are outputing correct values
- 06-21-2018 03:10PM Auth routing fixed, Request form remove and clear fixed.
- 06-21-2018 03:16PM fixed profile view to display all fields
- 06-21-2018 03:31PM Form is sitting nicely in a container now
- 06-21-2018 04:02PM changed the sites font to match RS brand
- 06-21-2018 04:18PM added drop menus to the Admin Form, slight adjustments
- 06-21-2018 04:37PM updated form layout on desktop view
- 06-21-2018 04:45PM styling adjustments
- 06-21-2018 05:30PM Request-Item Modal edit view working.
- 06-21-2018 05:47PM deploy prep
- 06-21-2018 05:50PM hot fix
- 06-21-2018 05:53PM removing shoes actions for GET/REMOVE.
- 06-21-2018 06:16PM switched all input fields to actual select field
- 06-21-2018 08:27PM landing page
- 06-21-2018 08:31PM landing page
- 06-21-2018 08:43PM landing pages
- 06-21-2018 08:55PM Profile Form and landing
- 06-21-2018 09:15PM added front end testing
- 06-21-2018 09:38PM modal is wlooking nice and a few other random little bugs
- 06-21-2018 09:44PM bug styles
- 06-22-2018 12:05PM front end testing
- 07-23-2018 4:30 PM readme reformatting
Thank you to the Code Fellows staff, TA's and fellow 401d23 students!