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RedisGears python client (support python3 only!)

Example: Using the Python Client:

from gearsclient import GearsRemoteBuilder as GearsBuilder
from gearsclient import execute
import redis

conn = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

# count for each genre how many times it appears

res = GearsBuilder('KeysOnlyReader', r=conn).\
	  map(lambda x:execute('hget', x, 'genres')).\
	  filter(lambda x:x != '\\N').\
	  flatmap(lambda x: x.split(',')).\
	  map(lambda x: x.strip()).\

for r in res[0]:
	print('%-15s: %d' % (r['key'], r['value']))


pip install git+

Notice that the library also need to be installed in RedisGears virtual env.


  1. Create a virtualenv to manage your python dependencies, and ensure it's active. virtualenv -v venv
  2. Install pypoetry to manage your dependencies. pip install poetry
  3. Install dependencies. poetry install

tox runs all tests as its default target. Running tox by itself will run unit tests. Ensure you have a running redis, with the module loaded.