Releases: ReedFamily/hebamme-web
Corrects some Google indexing issues and updates some content on main page.
Updates the address
A small in-between release dealing with a missing address.
Implements Markdown for Alerts and FAQ section.
Implements a second location for Alert placement.
Known Issue:
You may need to perform a cache refresh as default CSS wishes to put extra margin-bottom values to the paragraph element <p>
inside the alerts that causes problems. The CSS script corrects this but the older version may still be in cache. Multiple refreshes should clear the problem. Issue is already handled for the next release.
New feature allows to set instructors as not visible to the main site.
Other minor adjustments
Hotfix correction for the ticket #130
Fixes a bug in the admin page where the icons disappear after editing an item from the table.
2.0.3-2023.05.18 Removal of Fontawesome
This release completely removes Font Awesome and replaces it with Friconix, and provides a few fixes to better our page speed and loading.
Flyway scripts are not needed for this release as no changes were made to the database.
What's Changed
- hotfix: remove babytreff to prevent "not planned" message by @rosenclosed in #124
Full Changelog: v.2.0.0...v2.0.2
Deployed on 11.05.2023