I often find myself repeating a specific activity whenever I encounter a new codebase, so I created a python script to assist me with this task.
The activity involves my initial review of code, where I search for specific keywords that typically act as red flags or indications of potential issues. This process can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with large codebases, taking up hours of my time.
The list of red flags can be found in the starter pack repo. I believe this tool could be beneficial for others in the community.
Feel free to modify the script according to your needs. Adding more keywords to search is as simple as copying and pasting the words into the red_flags
array in the script.
- Clone project local
git clone https://github.com/Renzo1/RenZo_Scanner.git
- Navigate to the script location in your local directory
- run 'python renzo_scanner.py` or however you run a python script
- The rest of the steps will be in the terminal print.
I have aspirations to develop this tool into one of the best static analyzers available in the coming months. If you have any resources that could help me achieve this goal, please share them here or any of my socials. I appreciate your assistance in advance.