Total Pool - $30,000
H/M - $25,000
Low - $2,750
Community Judging - $2,250
Starts: August 05, 2024 Noon UTC
Ends: August 12, 2024 Noon UTC
nSLOC: 1229
Tadle is a cutting-edge pre-market infrastructure designed to unlock illiquid assets in the crypto pre-market.
Our first product, the Points Marketplace, empowers projects to unlock the liquidity and value of points systems before conducting the Token Generation Event (TGE). By facilitating seamless trading and providing a secure, trustless environment, Tadle ensures that your community can engage with your tokens and points dynamically and efficiently.
- Create buy offer
- Create sell offer
- Cancel your offer
- Abort your offer
- Place taker orders
- Relist stocks as new offers
Sell Offer Maker
- Deliver tokens during settlement
General User
- Fetch balances info
- Withdraw funds from your balances
Admin (Trust)
- Create a marketplace
- Take a marketplace offline
- Initialize system parameters, like WETH contract address, referral commission rate, etc.
- Set up collateral token list, like ETH, USDC, LINK, ankrETH, etc.
- Set `TGE` parameters for settlement, like token contract address, TGE time, etc.
- Grant privileges for users’ commission rates
- Pause all the markets
├── core
│ ├── CapitalPool.sol
│ ├── DeliveryPlace.sol
│ ├── PreMarkets.sol
│ ├── SystemConfig.sol
│ └── TokenManager.sol
├── factory
│ ├── ITadleFactory.sol
│ └── TadleFactory.sol
├── interfaces
│ ├── ICapitalPool.sol
│ ├── IDeliveryPlace.sol
│ ├── IPerMarkets.sol
│ ├── ISystemConfig.sol
│ └── ITokenManager.sol
├── libraries
│ ├── MarketPlaceLibraries.sol
│ └── OfferLibraries.sol
└── storage
├── CapitalPoolStorage.sol
├── DeliveryPlaceStorage.sol
├── OfferStatus.sol
├── PerMarketsStorage.sol
├── SystemConfigStorage.sol
└── TokenManagerStorage.sol
- Ethereum/Any EVM
- ERC20 (any token that follows the ERC20 standard)
forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
forge build
forge test -vvv
No known issues reported
This repo is a slightly modified version of the original codebase.
This modifications are necessary for effective testing and PoC development.
The modification are merely additions of getter functions and returning of key variable from functions.
See test/README.md
for a list of all the modifications made. Audit comments describing these changes are also left in the codebase where necessary.