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Version 0.1.0

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@kaczmarj kaczmarj released this 07 Jul 18:51
· 1130 commits to master since this release

Neurodocker version 0.1.0 allows users to generate Dockerfiles with specified versions of neuroimaging analysis software.


  • Generate Dockerfiles from the command-line.
  • Generate Dockerfiles, build Docker images, run Docker containers, and collect output in a Python script.
  • Install ANTs, FreeSurfer, FSL, Miniconda, MRtrix3, SPM, and NeuroDebian packages (see below for more information).
  • Supply arbitrary Dockerfile instructions.

Supported software

name installation method(s)
ANTs binaries, compile from source
FreeSurfer binaries
FSL binaries, install script
Miniconda install script
MRtrix3 binaries, compile from source
SPM standalone SPM (with MCR)