Documents on Poisonous Air inside Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall 2 and 3 in the Chinese University of Hong Kong
赛马会学生宿舍二三座(Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall 2,3 ) 具体情况如下:
- JCPGH2,3 内外仍然再施工,其内墙仍在粉刷,PGH office 的工作人员以担心装修可能会发生误删禁止住宿生进入装修区域参观区探访。
- 住宿生再JCPGH3, G层公共区域进一步进行考察,整个区域弥漫着刺鼻的装修气味。
- PGH office 工作人员禁止住宿生进入房间进一步查看。
- 参考PGH Office发布的邮件,其声称窗户已经打开以便于通风,但是住宿生从楼外查看,房间窗户基本是关闭状态,这与邮件不符合。 基于以上情况,住宿生联系到PGHRA,希望RA能够代表PGH Office进行沟通解决此时。PGHRA与PGH Office经理Karen沟通上述问题,Karen答复如下:
Safety Department 已经对JCPGH2,3进行检验,电邮通知宿舍符合安全标准,但是并没有给出检查结果的具体数据,之说检查姐国符合标准可以进行入住,并且Karen已将电邮结果转发给全体宿生 对于开窗的问题,Karen表示房间有纱窗,开窗方法是往上推,远观看不到 Karen最后表示,即使I House的同学在第二天的官方通知的时候不愿意搬,12月31日前也要将房间钥匙交还给I House.并且始终认为safety department的结果不会有问题,不让不同意搬家的同学早上第二日7点前email到office邮箱通知PGH Office。同时也邀请PGHRA以及其余宿生代表一同查看JCPGH2,3的宿舍情况。
PGHRA与学生代表于今日一同查看了宿舍,宿舍内可以直接问道刺激性的装修气味,safety department 与PGH Office的工作人员James口头承认了以下事实:
- 学校的检测设备不足,只能对两项指标进行检测, 而实际上香港的检测标准应该有十一项之多。
- 学校之前进行的检测,并没有严格按照标准关窗后八小时后进行检测,二十只关了十几分钟窗就进行检测。
- 随后在今天的实际检测的过程中,随机抽查了两个房间的指标,其中,一个屋子再短时间内符合标准,长时间即超标;另一间房间读数直接超标。今日抽查已经在通风许久后进行,显而易见,封闭环境下的有害气体会很多。
- PGH Office 需要想搬家的住宿生提供完整的测试流程和检查报告,说明数据出处和流程;
- 进行测试时需要有学生代表陪同监督
- 测试过程中要确保关窗足够时间,而且再关窗阶段允许同学任意时间查看
- 在新宿达到安全标准之前,合理安排学生的住宿维妮塔。
James表示他并不能给出完整答复,所以目前PGH Office的态度上部明确。 所以结合这两日的调查结果,显然,JCPGH2,3装修并未完成,其住宿环境并未达到安全入住标准。为保障宿生基本健康与利益。在此我们以PGHRA的名义,希望各位领导老师能偶立即解决一下两个问题:
- 按照Karen所说,住在Ihouse的同学需要在12.31前搬离ihouse,但是JPGH2,3的环境明显不能主任,如果学生贸然入住,绝对会影响健康,所以希望能立刻解决Ihouse同学的住宿问题。
- 进行测试时需要有学生代表陪同监督;
- 测试过程要确保关窗足够时间,而且在关窗阶段允许学生任意时间查看
- 在新宿生达到安全标准之前,合理安排学生的住宿问题。
主题:Re: Enquiry from JCPGH2-3 residents
Dear Mr. Zha and Residents,
Thank you for raising your potential concerns. Regarding the air quality in A3 and A4 , we have consulted theUniversity Safety Office (USO) and received the affirmative reply from the Director of the University Safety
Office, summarized as below –
1.We have conducted formaldehyde monitoring at different locations in the hostels and the finding revealed that the levels of formaldehyde were within good standard for formaldehyde i.e. <100 ppbv (parts per billion) set by the Environmental Protection Department
(EPD) of Hong Kong. As explained, we did not specifically carry out monitoring for benzene as the use of benzene is prohibited in all construction projects on CUHK campus, however, the measured levels of TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) taken by RAE
PID (photo-ionizing detector) TVOC monitor should be representative enough to show that benzene was not present in the air of the hostels. As for radon, we opined that measurement of radon is not necessary as the hostels are built on the reclaimed land and
there is no basement residing area in the hostels.
2. The method (8-hour continuous sampling) suggested in the Guidance Notes issued by the EPD is for certification purpose and hence it differs from our intent and method adopted. Nonetheless, all the tests conducted by
USO colleagues are deemed proper, reliable and consistent. Since there are over hundreds of rooms in new hostels, the 8-hour monitoring for every rooms is merely impossible. Grab sampling method is a suitable mean in this case, and it helps us do the screening
and quickly identify any areas needing immediate attention. As such, it would be universal for all new hostels on campus.
3.Meanwhile, there is no recognizable environmental standard set for total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) in non-industrial areas like residence and hostels, hence, the indoor air quality (IAQ) standard applicable for offices ventilated by central air-conditioning
system was used as reference only. We conducted grab sampling (i.e. with a shorter sampling time) as we foresee that there will be no significant change in indoor environment throughout the day and it is not likely to have any activities that would affect
(or worsen) the TVOC level, so a longer sampling time does not give much difference in the reading but it will limit the number of sampling locations. Please note that the source of indoor VOC could be multiple and it may also be contributed by the use of
detergents and fragrance (room fragrance and perfume) in indoor environment.
4.The IAQ standard for TVOC (i.e. <261 ppb) quoted is for the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) to certify premises with GOOD IAQ. Exceeding the GOOD IAQ level indeed does not mean that the area is hazardous or unsafe. Molhave (2001) established a dose-response
relationship for human exposure to TVOC, toxic effects in human may be established at very high level (i.e. >10,000ppb) of TVOC while at a lower level i.e., 1,305 – 10,876 ppb, minor irritation and headache would be possible. For your information, the levels
obtained onsite today is well below 800 ppb.
5.Nevertheless, to vent the indoor environment by opening the windows and switching on electrical fan to enhance indoor air circulation is always suggested for better air quality.
6.Overall, the hostel rooms in PGH 2 and 3 are considered safe for students to move in.
Please be reassured that safety of residents is of utmost importance to us, always our top priority. USO has indicated that they are happy to render their assistance to take additional air measurements, if needed, to
ease the worries of the students. Meanwhile, students can certainly stay in I-house until Dec 31st, 2018 and if they feel more comfortable to do so. They can return the hostel keys to PGH 4 Office before 31 December 2018 9:00a.m.
Today, we have moved the belongings of the female residents to JCPGH 2 only. Female residents please go to the counter of JCPGH 2 to get the new hostel keys and please return the old keys to PGH 4 Office before 31 December
2018 9:00a.m.
For those male residents who have submitted their keys of I-House 1 to PGH 4 Office, please take the keys back tonight and stay in I-House 1 for one more night. We shall move their belongings tomorrow morning and they
can return the hostel keys to PGH 4 Office before 31 December 2018 9:00a.m.
Should there be further enquiries, please feel free to contact the PGH general office at [email protected]. We are more than happy to further assist.
Best regards
Karen Hsi
Hall Administrator
Tel: 39433123
Fax: 39420961
Email: [email protected]
From:ZHA, Shuai <[email protected]>
Sent:Wednesday, December 26, 2018 10:15 PM
To:PC Shaw (SLS)
Cc:Karen Hsi (PHC); [email protected]; [email protected]; ZHOU, Yanyun; [email protected]; ZHA, Shuai; TAO, Zhen; [email protected]; WU, Wei; WANG, Xue; [email protected]; ZHANG, Tong; [email protected]; [email protected];
LIN, Lin; [email protected]; YIN, Yiyi; BI, Jiachen; YI, Xiao; [email protected]; [email protected]; QIN, Ying; [email protected]; [email protected]; YE, Yanyan; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; SUN, Hao; ZHANG, Youjuan;
ZHANG, Shumeng; YU, Xinxian; YANG, Tianyi; [email protected]; YANG, Zhengxin; [email protected]; ZHONG, Miao; WU, Yang; [email protected]; HUANG, Wenhan; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
LIU, Yang; OUYANG, Xiaofei; [email protected]; LI, Yisen; CAO, Ding; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; SUN, Qi; GENG,
Hao; HAO, Suyu; [email protected]; LI, Mindan; PAN, Yu; [email protected]; XIE, Zhuoxiao; [email protected]; XIA, Yuanjie; [email protected]; [email protected]; MA, Liuhao; [email protected]; LIU, Tian; [email protected];
Anna yu; YANG, Min; [email protected]; CHEN, Wang; [email protected]; ZHONG, Miao; [email protected]; CAO, Ding; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; XU, Ying; PAN, Guanna; [email protected]; ZHA, Shuai; BAI, Haoli; ZHOU, Yong;
[email protected]; MA, Jieqi; LI, Yisen; SUN, Qi; [email protected]; ZHANG, Shumeng; [email protected]; CHEN, Chen; [email protected]; WANG, Xue; [email protected]; SHI, Zeyi; LIN, Lin; [email protected]
Subject:Enquiry from JCPGH2-3 residents
Dear Prof. Shaw and PGH staffs,
We are the new residents moving to the new hostels JCPGH2-3. Tomorrow is the date for the moving process of ihouse1 residents. Some of us went to the new halls, found that the environment was too bad, and strongly suspected
that the hostel is not ready for us to live in. So we wrote the following letter and hope that we can find a fair solution. Attached is the list of students who we are and we really think it is a serious issue. We also attached several photos taken by some
students today.
1. 在宿舍整体全部完工以后,重新检测空气,水的质量,并确认没有问题。检测过程需要有宿生代表陪同进行。
2. 重新检测的结果需要向大家公布,包括具体的采样地点(如走廊,宿舍,公共区域等),采样项目(如甲醛,苯,氡等)和采样时间;
3. 如果空气或水的质量不合格或者不能令宿生满意,需要公布校方有效的处理方案。一晚32元自费暂住/合住其他学生的校内宿舍小床,是没有诚意的解决方案。
4. 尽最快速度把宿舍,走廊,厨房等公共设施的窗户打开,和外部通风;
5. 确认宿舍整体全部完工以后,再让宿生入住,避免施工造成污染,噪音,甚至误伤;
We have several basic requests listed below and refuse to move to the new JCPGH2-3 if not fulfilled with direct answers:
After the construction has finished, the condition of air pollution and quality of water need to be confirmed as good for our health. During the checking process, representatives
of our residents need to be present.
The results of re-checking must be shared to all residents, including detailed sampling places (such as the corridor, bedrooms, and public areas), items checked (such as
formaldehyde, benzene, and radon) and sampling time. Air quality inside the closets should also be checked.
If the quality of the air or water is not good enough for the health of residents, we need a proper and effective proposal for our accommodation. A plan like temporarily
staying in other students’ room with self-payment is definitely not an acceptable solution.
Open the windows and/or doors of the bedrooms/corridors/kitchens and other public places as soon as possible to keep sufficient ventilation.
Residents shall be asked to move in only after confirmation of the completion of all kinds of construction, to avoid pollutions, noises and even injuries due to constructions.We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
New JCPGH2-3 residents
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Dear Vice-Chancellor Prof. Tuan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Ng, Dean of GS Prof. Wolff, OSA office, PGH Master Prof. Shaw and University Administrative Staffs,
This is an additional email from the residents who have to move to JCPGH 2/3. We are sorry that we have to contact you, but the problem described below is really urgent.
As you know that university has built two new post-graduate halls for the accommodation of research post-graduate students, we are part of the residents to move to the new hostels, our information listed in the attached excel file and some of whom shall move in today. We have trusted that the university had ensured the safety and quality of the new halls before letting us move in. But the reality shocked us and weakened the confidence on the caring for our students. We desperately need your help on this issue, and most urgently we need a safe and fair place for living. Below we stated the current problems and our request.
The PGH office sent us an email that the quality of water and air has been checked to be fine by the safety department of the university on Dec. 17th. But as today tens of us went to check the rooms and corridors with the accompany of staffs from PGH office and safety department, we were shocked by the smell of the air was so bad and strongly questioned whether it would be poisonous for our health. The staff from the safety department re-checked the air-quality with us, and the results are not satisfactory with respect to some standards (e.g, the TVOC index is around 700 while the standard is only 300, according to the staff of safety department), even the checking process does not strictly follow the standard procedure. So we really suspected the credibility of the previous mail by PGH office and require that the quality of the hostels must be rechecked effectively by professionals, strictly following the standard procedure.
Our accommodation need to be properly settled as soon as possible before the safety confirmation of JCPGH 2/3. This is not a problem for several students, but the number would be more than 200. We understand that this will introduce troubles to the administration, but we believe that the university also understands that we don’t want to risk our heath in any case.
Our detailed requests have been forwarded to PGH RAs, which will be sent to you immediately. We sincerely hope that the university administration will help us to solve the problems, which is at least important for us and our families. Looking forward to hearing your reply and thanks in advance.
Best regards,
New JCPGH2-3 residents/CUHK research post-graduates