This first Udacity in the Senior Web Developer Nanodegree project lets you create an account and sign in into this created account. Furthermore, you will be able to create and view public and unlisted events ( account required ). Public events are visible to all users whether logged into the application or not while unlisted can be accessed only by using a link with appropriate ID. When you view the app on the displays higher than mobile phones you will see google map with all events created within the application. On mobile view you will see only zoomed in location of the event.
Get started by intalling npm; please follow this tutorial ->
After installing npm, you are prepared to install gulp so you can test the application; please follow this tutorial ->
Next go to the containing folder and run:
'npm install'
Lastly run:
*Google Maps Places Autocomplete *Google Static Maps API *Firebase *HTML5 *CSS3 *Javascript *SCSS *Gulp