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Merge pull request #173 from RiotGames/accounts-refactor
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refactor: Refactored Account objects
  • Loading branch information
bunjiboys authored Jul 16, 2018
2 parents b120fa3 + 7681f32 commit 22d0f57
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Showing 16 changed files with 910 additions and 356 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions backend/cloud_inquisitor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from cloud_inquisitor.constants import PLUGIN_NAMESPACES
from cloud_inquisitor.exceptions import InquisitorError
from cloud_inquisitor.utils import get_user_data_configuration, read_config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ def get_aws_session(account):
from cloud_inquisitor.config import dbconfig
from cloud_inquisitor.plugins.types.accounts import AWSAccount

if not isinstance(account, AWSAccount):
raise InquisitorError('Non AWSAccount passed to get_aws_session, got {}'.format(account.__class__.__name__))

# If no keys are on supplied for the account, use sts.assume_role instead
session = get_local_aws_session()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,6 +108,12 @@ def get_aws_regions(*, force=False):
return __regions

def get_plugin_by_name(ns, name):
for plugin in CINQ_PLUGINS[ns]['plugins']:
if == name:
return plugin.load()

# Check if the user has opted to use userdata based configuration for DB, and load it if needed
if app_config.use_user_data:
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions backend/cloud_inquisitor/
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'notifier': 'cloud_inquisitor.plugins.notifiers',
'schedulers': 'cloud_inquisitor.plugins.schedulers',
'types': 'cloud_inquisitor.plugins.types',
'accounts': 'cloud_inquisitor.plugins.types.accounts',
'view': 'cloud_inquisitor.plugins.views'
# endregion
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
"""New accounts table
Revision ID: cfb0ed4cced9
Revises: 1edcdfbc7780
Create Date: 2018-07-10 13:26:01.588708
from json import dumps as to_json

from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import text, inspect
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'cfb0ed4cced9'
down_revision = '1edcdfbc7780'

select_ai = 'SELECT AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = :db AND TABLE_NAME = :table'
select_cfg_item = 'SELECT value FROM config_items WHERE namespace_prefix = :ns AND `key` = :key'
select_acct_types = 'SELECT account_type_id, account_type FROM account_types'
insert_acct_type = 'INSERT INTO account_types (account_type) VALUES (:name)'
insert_acct = (
'INSERT INTO accounts_new (account_id, account_name, account_type_id, contacts, enabled, required_roles)'
' VALUES(:id, :name, :type_id, :contacts, :enabled, :required_roles)'
insert_acct_prop = 'INSERT INTO account_properties (account_id, name, value) VALUES (:id, :name, :value)'

def upgrade():

def downgrade():
raise Exception('You cannot downgrade from this version')

def create_new_tables():
sa.Column('account_type_id', mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), nullable=False, autoincrement=True),
sa.Column('account_type', sa.String(length=100), nullable=False),
op.create_index(op.f('ix_account_types_account_type'), 'account_types', ['account_type'], unique=True)

sa.Column('account_id', mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), nullable=False),
sa.Column('account_name', sa.String(length=256), nullable=False),
sa.Column('account_type_id', mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), nullable=False),
sa.Column('contacts', mysql.JSON(), nullable=False),
sa.Column('enabled', mysql.SMALLINT(unsigned=True), nullable=False),
sa.Column('required_roles', mysql.JSON(), nullable=True),
op.create_index(op.f('ix_accounts_new_account_name'), 'accounts_new', ['account_name'], unique=True)
op.create_index(op.f('ix_accounts_new_account_type_id'), 'accounts_new', ['account_type_id'], unique=False)

sa.Column('property_id', mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), nullable=False, autoincrement=True),
sa.Column('account_id', mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), nullable=False),
sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=50), nullable=False),
sa.Column('value', mysql.JSON(), nullable=False),
sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('property_id', 'account_id')
op.create_index(op.f('ix_account_properties_account_id'), 'account_properties', ['account_id'], unique=False)
op.create_index(op.f('ix_account_properties_name'), 'account_properties', ['name'], unique=False)

def migrate_data():
conn = op.get_bind()
account_types = {x['account_type']: x['account_type_id'] for x in conn.execute(text(select_acct_types))}
schema = inspect(conn.engine).default_schema_name
conn.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0')
res = conn.execute(text(select_ai), {'db': schema, 'table': 'accounts'})
acct_auto_increment = next(res)['AUTO_INCREMENT']

for acct_type in ('AWS', 'DNS: AXFR', 'DNS: CloudFlare'):
if acct_type not in account_types:
conn.execute(text(insert_acct_type), {'name': acct_type})
account_types[acct_type] = get_insert_id(conn)

res = conn.execute('SELECT * FROM accounts')
for acct in res:
if acct['account_type'] == 'AWS':
'id': acct['account_id'],
'name': acct['account_name'],
'type_id': account_types['AWS'],
'contacts': acct['contacts'],
'enabled': acct['enabled'],
'required_roles': acct['required_roles']
'id': acct['account_id'],
'name': 'account_number',
'value': to_json(acct['account_number'])

'id': acct['account_id'],
'name': 'ad_group_base',
'value': to_json(acct['ad_group_base'] or '')
print('Migrated {} account {}'.format(acct['account_type'], acct['account_name']))

elif acct['account_type'] == 'DNS_AXFR':
'id': acct['account_id'],
'name': acct['account_name'],
'type_id': account_types['DNS: AXFR'],
'contacts': acct['contacts'],
'enabled': acct['enabled'],
'required_roles': acct['required_roles']
server = get_config_value(conn, 'collector_dns', 'axfr_server')
domains = get_config_value(conn, 'collector_dns', 'axfr_domains')

conn.execute(text(insert_acct_prop), {'id': acct['account_id'], 'name': 'server', 'value': [server]})
conn.execute(text(insert_acct_prop), {'id': acct['account_id'], 'name': 'domains', 'value': domains})
print('Migrated {} account {}'.format(acct['account_type'], acct['account_name']))

elif acct['account_type'] == 'DNS_CLOUDFLARE':
'id': acct['account_id'],
'name': acct['account_name'],
'type_id': account_types['DNS: CloudFlare'],
'contacts': acct['contacts'],
'enabled': acct['enabled'],
'required_roles': acct['required_roles']
api_key = get_config_value(conn, 'collector_dns', 'cloudflare_api_key')
email = get_config_value(conn, 'collector_dns', 'cloudflare_email')
endpoint = get_config_value(conn, 'collector_dns', 'cloudflare_endpoint')

conn.execute(text(insert_acct_prop), {'id': acct['account_id'], 'name': 'api_key', 'value': api_key})
conn.execute(text(insert_acct_prop), {'id': acct['account_id'], 'name': 'email', 'value': email})
conn.execute(text(insert_acct_prop), {'id': acct['account_id'], 'name': 'endpoint', 'value': endpoint})

print('Migrated {} account {}'.format(acct['account_type'], acct['account_name']))

print('Invalid account type: {}'.format(acct['account_type']))
conn.execute(text('ALTER TABLE accounts_new AUTO_INCREMENT = :counter'), {'counter': acct_auto_increment})
conn.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1')

def switch_tables():
conn = op.get_bind()
conn.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0')
conn.execute('DROP TABLE accounts')
conn.execute('ALTER TABLE resources MODIFY `account_id` int(10) unsigned')
conn.execute('ALTER TABLE accounts_new RENAME accounts')
conn.execute('ALTER TABLE accounts RENAME INDEX `ix_accounts_new_account_name` TO `ix_accounts_account_name`')
conn.execute('ALTER TABLE accounts RENAME INDEX `ix_accounts_new_account_type_id` TO `ix_accounts_account_type_id`')
conn.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1')

def get_insert_id(conn):
return next(conn.execute('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'))[0]

def get_config_value(conn, ns, item):
return next(conn.execute(text(select_cfg_item), {'ns': ns, 'key': item}))['value']
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions backend/cloud_inquisitor/
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Expand Up @@ -26,5 +26,9 @@ class IssueException(InquisitorError):
"""Exception class for issue types"""

class AccountException(InquisitorError):
"""Exception class for Account types"""

class SchedulerError(InquisitorError):
"""Exception class for scheduler plugins"""
81 changes: 0 additions & 81 deletions backend/cloud_inquisitor/plugins/commands/

This file was deleted.

42 changes: 1 addition & 41 deletions backend/cloud_inquisitor/plugins/commands/
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@@ -1,51 +1,11 @@
from click import confirm, prompt
from flask_script import Option

from import initialize
from cloud_inquisitor.database import db
from cloud_inquisitor.plugins.commands import BaseCommand
from cloud_inquisitor.schema import Account

class Setup(BaseCommand):
"""Sets up the initial state of the configuration stored in the database"""
name = 'Setup'
option_list = (
'-H', '--headless',
help='Setup command will not prompt for interactive input'

def init_account(self):
"""Create a new account object"""
account_name = prompt('Account name', type=str)
account_number = prompt('Account ID Number', type=int)
contacts = prompt('Contacts', type=str)
if confirm('Limit access to this account?'):
required_roles = prompt('Required Role (optional)', type=str)
required_roles = ''
enabled = confirm('Enabled')

acct = Account()
acct.account_name = account_name
acct.account_number = account_number
acct.contacts = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), contacts.split(',')))
acct.enabled = enabled
acct.required_roles = [x for x in map(lambda x: x.strip(), required_roles.split(',')) if x]

db.session.commit()'Account has been added')
option_list = ()

def run(self, **kwargs):

# If there are no accounts created, ask the user if he/she wants to create one now
if not kwargs['headless_mode'] and not db.Account.find_one():
if confirm('You have no accounts defined, do you wish to add the first account now?'):
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions backend/cloud_inquisitor/plugins/commands/
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from cloud_inquisitor import get_aws_session, app_config, get_local_aws_session
from cloud_inquisitor.plugins.commands import BaseCommand
from cloud_inquisitor.schema import Account
from cloud_inquisitor.plugins.types.accounts import BaseAccount

class UserData(BaseCommand):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def run(self, **kwargs):
print('you must set the kms_account_name setting in your configuration file to the name of the '
'account that is able to decrypt the user data')
acct = Account.get(kms_account_name)
acct = BaseAccount.get(kms_account_name)
if not acct:
print('You must add the {} account to the system for this to work'.format(kms_account_name))
Expand Down

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