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GSSOC'23 Welcome To All Contributers 🌻

About GSSoC

GirlScript Summer Of Code is a three-month-long Open-Source Program conducted every summer by the Girlscript Foundation. With constant efforts, participants contribute to numerous projects under the extreme guidance of skilled mentors over these months. With such exposure, students begin to contribute to real-world projects from the comfort of their homes. GirlScript Summer Of Code has witnessed active participation over the years, and the 2023 edition aims to carry the legacy with a promising impact.

About Girlscript Foundation

The GirlScript Foundation is one of the leading foundations in India. It has successfully completed Five Years of educating young minds through robust initiatives. It aims to change lives by imparting tech education and relevant skills while fostering diversity. Apart from this, the Foundation is one of the world’s largest tech community for students to polish and nurture their technical skills. Our tremendous endeavors curb the gap to offer a technophilic environment and revolutionize the tech domain by promoting, sharing, and spreading knowledge equally to every individual.

About Our Project 💻

Name - GameSphere

Technologies Used - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, WebSocket, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Laravel etc..

Our Aim - Our primary goal is to create a website where two or more friends can gather and play games online (such as multiplayer) without having to download any software or tools to their computers or mobile devices.

Who are able to work with Us - UI/UX Design, Front-end developer, Back-end developer, *Know about WebSocket etc.. and also if you want to contribute in different fields we welcome you

Available Games 🎮

List of Single Player Games

SNo. Game
1 Memory Card Game
2 Ping Pong
3 Rock Paper Scissor
4 Bingo Game
5 Tower
6 2048game
7 3d Car Racing Game
8 Anthority
9 Anti Virus
10 Audio Dash
11 Back to Space
12 Banner Image
13 Black Jack
14 Blanks Detective
15 Block Buster
16 Box Slice
17 Bullseye Game
18 Bunny
20 Candy Crush
21 Card flip Game
22 Code Pong game
23 Complicit
24 Connect4
25 Curve
26 Cycles
28 Day Of The Glitch
29 Dinosaur Game
30 Dont-Die-To-Ghosts
31 Doremon Puzzle
32 Dragon World Game
33 Dinosaur Game
34 Drum_Kit_Play_Game
35 Element Puzzle
36 Escape from Maze
37 Fall-down
38 Flip The Card
39 Formation Absent
40 Frantic Run
41 Galaxy Rider
42 GeekTacToe
43 Guess The Number
44 Hangman Game
45 HexGL-master
46 Hover_Board_Effect
47 I_Want_To_Google_The_Game
48 Jumbit
49 JunoJs
51 Math Puzzle Game
52 Memory Game
53 Mexico Escape
54 Minesweeper Game
55 Movie Guess Game
56 Off The Lines
57 Off the line
59 Pac - Man Doodle
60 Pacific_Air_Battle
61 Pinball
62 Ping Pong Game
63 Platform Game
64 Rock-Paper-Scissors
65 Rubik_Cube
68 Sci-Fi Alchemy
69 Scroll Run
70 Short Circuit
71 Snake Game
72 Space Exploration
73 Space Menace
74 Space-Gum
75 SpaceHuggers
76 Spaceship Escort
77 Squared Lines
78 Stack-Game-main
79 Strata
80 SwimmingWithSharks
81 Tenacity
82 Tetris
83 TheMoleGame
84 Theo's Escape
85 Tindeath
86 Track_Not_Found
87 Traffic_Run
88 Tritetris - A game that extends from Tetris
89 Typing Game
90 Whake_M_Mole_Game
91 World of Emojis
92 alien-shooting-game
93 back-up-master
94 back4gone-master
95 bit butcher
96 black-jack-game
97 doodle-jump-game
98 floppybird
99 hextris-gh-pages
100 nuclear-safe
101 offline
102 pig game
103 save the forest
104 sciarra of colors
105 slide-puzzle-master
106 snakes and ladder
107 space-invaders
108 space-war
109 tower-defens
110 tower
111 whack-a-mole
112 wordScramble
113 RabbitGame
114 Color_Blast_Game
115 Guess the Correct Logo
116 Guess the Correct Logo
117 Kill_The_Bird_Game
118 Virtual Piano
119 Chill_Lion_Game
120 Coloron Game
121 Guess the Correct Logo
122 Dots and Boxes Game
123 Classic Pool Game
124 Virtual Piano
125 Bad Depot
126 Whisker's_Leap
127 Mastermind
128 Anime-Clicker
129 TheFlyingBlock
130 AngryBoars
131 1024 moves game
132 RGB Riddle
133 Atlas
134 Among Us game
135 Dungeon Crawler
136 ArmorAlley
137 Falling Blocks
138 Stack 'Em Up
139 MixAndPaint
140 Bubble_Blast_Game
141 Starship Panic
142 Hunt Your Card
143 Cable_Maze
144 Guess The Random Shape
145 Crossy_Road_Game
146 Cable_Maze
147 Bounce
148 Lights Out
149 Lonely_Phantom
150 Frogger
151 Spider Man Game
152 Slingshot_Game
153 Slide and Solve
154 3D Snake
155 Escape_Room
156 simon-says
157 Slingshot_Game
158 Rabbit_And_Fox_Game
159 Vedio_Game
160 Color_Crush_Game
161 Astray
163 Circus Charley
164 VirtualGuitar
166 Subway Sufers
165 RavoucsRavenRun
167 Car Racer
168 Chinese_Checkers
169 PicPuzz
170 Highway Race
171 Stacker
172 Platform_Game_Engine
173 Castle_Escape_Game
174 PicPuzz
175 Little Red Riding Hood

How to make a PR in a Project 🟢

If you are interested to contribute in this project how to start contribute

  1. Fork the repo.

  2. After forking, clone the repo to your local machine. To clone the repo to your local machine, run the following command in your terminal:

    git clone<your-github-username>/GameSphere
  3. Add a remote upstream to the original repo. To add a remote upstream, run the following command in your terminal:

    git remote add upstream
  4. Create a new branch. To create a new branch, run the following command in your terminal:

    git checkout -b <your-branch-name>
  5. Make changes in source code.

  6. Add your changes To add your changes, run the following command in your terminal:

    git add <File1 changed> <File2 changed> ...
  7. Commit your changes. To commit your changes, run the following command in your terminal:

    git commit -m "<your-commit-message>"
  8. Push your changes. To push your changes, run the following command in your terminal:

    git push origin <your-branch-name>
  9. Create a PR.

Alternatively Using GitHub Desktop

  1. Open GitHub Desktop and log in to your GitHub account.

  2. Make sure you are on the "Current Repository" view. If not, go to "File" and select "Add Local Repository" to add your repository.

  3. In the "Current Repository" view, ensure you are on the branch that you want to submit a pull request for. If you're not on the correct branch, use the "Branch" menu to switch to the correct branch.

  4. Once you're on the correct branch, make your changes and commit them to the branch. You can do this by clicking the "+" button in the upper-left corner of the GitHub Desktop window, making your changes, and then entering a commit message.

  5. After you've made your changes and committed them, click the "Push origin" button in the top-right corner of the GitHub Desktop window. This will push your changes to the remote repository on GitHub.

  6. Now, go to the GitHub website, navigate to your fork of the repository, and you should see a button to "Compare & pull request" between your fork and the original repository, click on it.

  7. On the pull request page, you can review your changes and add any additional information, such as a title and a description, that you want to include with your pull request.

  8. Once you're satisfied with your pull request, click the "Create pull request" button to submit it.

Note: In order to create a pull request, you must have a fork of the original repository in your GitHub account and you must have made the changes in that forked repository.

Project Admin

Aman Kumar Singh
Aman Kr. Singh

Project Mentors

Durgesh Kumar Prajapati

Mahamat Abdelkerim Abakar



No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 54.4%
  • HTML 38.3%
  • CSS 7.0%
  • SCSS 0.1%
  • CoffeeScript 0.1%
  • Python 0.1%