Vibey is a community driven initiative to find online conferences and events for developers. It is a web app that lets you find online events and conferences that are happening around the world. This project is still in its early stages and we are looking for contributors to make this project a success.
Check out the website: here
- Fork the repo. You can find the button on the top.
- Clone the repository using the command
git clone<USERNAME>/vibey
Open the project in your IDE(eg. VS Code).
pnpm install
to install all dependencies -
pnpm dev
to start the application -
Visit https://localhost:3000 to view the application
Run installation steps
Find Issue to work on or create a new issue for feature request or bug
Create a new branch for your feature
git checkout -b feature-name
Make your changes
Commit your changes
git commit -a -m "Add some feature"
Push to the branch
git push origin feature-name
Create a new pull request
- Issue: Update
Description: Review and update the project's file to provide comprehensive
documentation and instructions for developers and contributors for making contribution to the
Issue: Shift the Backend from Appwrite to Node.js Description: Remove the backend from Appwrite ( Backend As a Service ) to proper backend built using Node.js and Experss.js, and NoSQL database that is MongoDB.
Issue: Implement contributors authentication using OAuth Description: Integrate OAuth authentication to allow users to sign in with popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, or GitHub.
Issue: Add Dashboard for Contributors for adding events on client side Description: Add the contributor's dashboard so contributors can add, update and delete events which they have added on Vibey and customization options, such as a profile picture or contributors details like name, email, role and social for authenticity.
Issue: Add Dashboard for Contributors for adding events on server side using MongoDB database Description: Add the contributor's dashboard so contributors can add, update and delete events which they have added on Vibey and customization options, such as a profile picture or contributors details like name, email, role and social for authenticity.
Issue: Add Custom form for adding events on client side in dashboard
Description: Add the custom form in dashboard so contributors can add events, CFPs and
- Issue: Add sever side code for events
Description: Add server side code for adding, updating, deleting, and fetching Events,
Hackathons and CFPs on client side.
- Issue: Add Client side code for fetching events in Events Page
Description: Add client side code for fetching Events and display events on Event page fetched
from server side.
- Issue: Add client side code for fetching CFPs in CFP Page
Description: Add client side code for fetching CFPs and display cfps on CFP page fetched
from server side.
- Issue: Add client side code for fetching Hackathons in Hackathon Page
Description: Add client side code for fetching Hackathons and display hackathons on Hackathon
page fetched from server side.
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use Vercel
Check out their Next.js deployment documentation for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
This project needs a ⭐️ from you. Don't forget to leave a star ⭐️
Thanks a lot for spending your time helping vibey grow. Thanks a lot! Keep rocking 🍻