Repository for group 77 work on Assignement 1 "BOARD GAME ASSIGNMENT" of the class "02180 Introduction to AI, SP23".
- Chosen board game: The Labyrinth
- Deadline: 20th March 2023 at 23:59
How to run the game
Make sure all relevant dependencies are correctly installed:
- numpy
- pygame
Then, simply run the following command in the installation folder with all the four python files:
How to play
The human player pawn is represented by a blue dot. The AI player pawn is represented by a red dot.
The goal is to reach your treasure before the AI. (Good luck !)
Once it is your turn (as indicated on the left side of the interface):
- Perform a tile shift:
- rotate the side tile how you desire,
- click on the yellow arrow corresponding to the desired tile shift.
- Move your pawn: click on an approachable tile (a tile which is connected to your current tile by a path).
Once the game is finished, you have the option to click on "Play Again" and retry another game.
Have fun playing against the AI !