A simple set of scripts to facilitate mothballing a system, or producing a pinpoint set of tarballs for backup/archive.
(defaults to /tmp) - where the backup is stored
compression opiton
compress - create compressed tarball
defer - create compressed tarball, in separate process
null - nocompress, just create tarball
Creates a tarball for each root subdirectory, except /dev, /mnt, /proc, /tmp, /lost+found, and also any subdirectories that contain a file '.tarbak_skip' (just touch one up to skip the subdirectory).
Finally, will create an individual tarball for each subdirectory, except if the subdirectory contains a file '.tarbak_uses_subdirs' in which case each subordinate subdirectory will be backed up to a separate tarball (so /home can be saved as /home/rob and /home/quazar, etc).
This project and all associated files are Copyright © 2003,2014 Rob Leachman, released under GPL V3. Please refer to the included file COPYING for specific license information.