This was built for my dissertation which makes use of machine learning to classify different crops and diseases using python.
Libraries used: tensorflow, numpy, cv2, os, random, os, sklearn, PIL, rembg, io, matplotlib, flask, werkzeug
The train and test dataset for both classification tasks were sized down due to large file size.
The models were not uploaded due to their large size, these can be trained by running
Before running
-Give the model a name
-Set the modelfor variable to either "crop" or "disease"
-Set finetune to "yes" or "no"
-Set the proper train dataset path
To test the models you can run which will generate a confusion matrix and a classification report.
Before running
-Put the path to the model you are evaluating
-Set the dataset path to the test dataset or your own dataset
Running will run a flask website that allows you to upload an image to retrieve a prediction of either crops or diseases.
More information is available on the front page of the flask website.
Before running
-Open and set the crop_model and disease_model variables to the path of the respective models