- This offers apis in order to retrieve news of any subject for specified interval in {MIN,HOUR,DAY,WEEK,MONTH,YEAR}
- News-config : this is the config server from where configurations are fetched in run time
- Service-registry : this is the registration server where news service application is registered as a eureka client
- mongo db: this is used to store the news data for the users subscribed topics
- mongo express : this can be used in order to see the documents in mongo db
- Get the hold of docker-compose.yml
- Get all the projects and build their docker images with command "docker build -t news ."
- User can subscribe for his favourite subjects
- The moment service finds any active subscription , it starts syncing the data for the same after every 1 min.
- In case any call comes for the same subject , as the database is in consistent state info is retrieved from database and then served appropriately as per the defined bucket
- In case call comes for any subject that is not being subscribed then it is retrieved from the Api.