Salmonella serotyping from genome sequencing data
SeqSero is a pipeline for Salmonella serotype determination from raw sequencing reads or genome assemblies. A web app is available at
SeqSero depends on:
Python 2.7 and Biopython 1.65;
isPcr written by Jim Kent.
-m <int> (input data type, '1' for interleaved paired-end reads , '2' for separated paired-end reads, '3' for single reads, '4' for genome assembly)
-i <file> (/path/to/input/file)
-b <string> (algorithms for bwa mapping; 'mem' for mem, 'sam' for samse/sampe; default=sam; optional)
Upon executing the command, a directory named 'SeqSero_result_<time_you_run_SeqSero>' will be created. Your result will be stored in 'Seqsero_result.txt' in that directory
Zhang S, Yin Y, Jones MB, Zhang Z, Deatherage Kaiser BL, Dinsmore BA, Fitzgerald C, Fields PI, Deng X.
Salmonella serotype determination utilizing high-throughput genome sequencing data.
J Clin Microbiol. 2015 May;53(5):1685-92.PMID:25762776