- Timothy Applewhite
- Roger Kaufmann
The fairGhosts adaption is based on the prototype developed by Iris Hunkeler and Fabian Schaer. The game engine used is from the Ms. Pac-Man vs. Ghost Competition held during the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012).
- JRE 1.8.0_251
- Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15.0)
- Install JRE and Eclipse
- Run the file Execution.java
The simulation can run in different modes. Depending on the desired mode, the code after line 50 in the Executor.java file has to me modified.
Experiment - A number of simulation runs is executed without showing visuals. The console returns the score of each execution and the average score after the last run.
int numTrials=10; exec.runExperiment(new Eiisolver(),new FairGhosts(),numTrials);
Visualization Synchron - The game runs synchronous. The game waits until the controllers respond with the next move.
int delay=5; boolean visual=true; exec.runGame(new Eiisolver(),new FairGhosts(),visual,delay);
Visualization Asynchron - The game runs asynchronous. The game does not wait until the controllers respond with the next move.
boolean visual=true; exec.runGameTimed(new StarterPacMan(),new FairGhosts(),visual);
Speedoptimized Asynchron - The game runs asynchronous. The game advances as soon as both controllers respond with the next move.
boolean visual=true; boolean fixedTime=false; exec.runGameTimedSpeedOptimised(new StarterPacMan(),new FairGhosts(),fixedTime,visual);