This is an empty template for creating TypeScript projects. It also includes ESLint and Jest.
The easiest way of creating a new project is by forking this into a new GitHub repository:
- fork this repo on GitHub by pressing the fork button on the upper right side.
- choose the account you want your fork (your new repo) to be placed
- click on the settings button in your forked repo and change the name e.g. to 'myproject'
- open a console / bash and get a local copy using `git clone'
- change the package.json to your needs
- ...enjoy with your new project :)!
Have a look at this fork. In the meanwhile the main repo has changed. In the forked repo you see something like this:
This branch is XYZ commits behind software-developer-org:master. | Pull request | Compare
Now you can go to 'Compare' and click on 'switching the base for your comparison' and you can create a pull request for getting all the changes into your fork.
Install and configure git following this git-started as a basic tutorial.
In case you are new to git: step back, take your time, and work through the tutorial at your own speed! git is a tool you will work with on a daily basis. The better you understand and dive deeper into it, the more productive you will be on your daily business!
Once you have mastered the basics of git followed these intermediate git-bootcamp exercises.
You can find the latest version for your system at There are two versions:
- a long time support version (LTS): which should be used on production
- latest version: if you are curios about the latest Node features
If you are not implementing in Node, or do just TypeScript, then go for the LTS. This will also make your life easier when integrating other projects or apis.
NOTE: If you install Node.js it also includes npm.
npm is (a) a registry where you can find all open source packages here and (b) a command line tool (CLI) for installing node packages from this registry (and others).
Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor. You can download the latest version on
VSCode has some realy helpful extensions. For intalling extensions follow these instructions. We recommend the following extensions:
The easiest way to install them is to search for each in the vscode extention tab (Ctrl+Shift+X)
Your project configuration is defined in the Node configuration file 'package.json'. In this file all the required Node packages for this project are defined. These packages will be installed by the folling CLI command. Open your console and enter:
> npm install
# the following is only output...
npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: [email protected] (node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
added 621 packages from 373 contributors and audited 622 packages in 13.291s
21 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
All installed packages will appear in the node_modules folder. Every time the package.json is updated, this folder can be updated using npm install
Jest is used for unit testing your code. You can find an example file with the corresponding test in this repo.
All tests can be started by:
npm run test
Note: npm run test
points to a script named 'test' as defined in package.json. In this case it is a shortform for npx jest
Jest allows a TestPathPattern (see help using npx jest --help
). Examples:
# run all tests containing the pattern 'example-code'
npm run test example-code
# run all tests containing the pattern 'array-exercise'
npm run test array-exercise
# run all tests ending with test.ts
npm run test *test.ts
You can also use Jest to debug your code. The config is stored in .vscode/launch.json.
For debugging:
- use the debug tab (Ctrl+Shift+D),
- select the 'Debug Jest Tests' option in the upper left corner, and
- press the green start button this will run all tests in debug mode.
If you want to run a single test open your launch.json file (CTRL+SHIFT+P to open a file) in the .vscode folder and uncomment the filename:
"configurations": [
"runtimeArgs": [
//"<filename>", // uncomment in case only one test should be started
For more information on how to use jest visit
You can use these two basic config files in this repo:
- .eslintrc.js
- .prettierrc
If you want to personalise your config visit the following sites for more information:
We added three other scripts in the package.json file.
Two scripts for eslint:
- To check your projekts formating and errors use the comand:
npm run lint
- And with this second command elsint will fix al autofixable problems:
npm run fix
And one for typescript:
This command creates a new folder and compiles your projekt files from typescript into plain javascript.
npm run build
It also clears any previously builded files bevor compiling.
Start coding and open the array-exercise-001.test.ts file. Check out these resources:
- additional resources on JavaScript check the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN, see below).
- especially the reference on Arrays on MDN