A collection of Ora spinners that are compliant with the standard of cli-spinners but with some additions.
npm install ora_spinners
Import with
const ora_spinners = require('ora-spinners');
Spinners are divided into categories. You can see all the spinners here.
const Ora = require('ora');
const spinners = require('ora_spinners');
const spin = Ora({
text: 'Hello World!',
spinner: spinners.slidingDots.five
A spinner might have properties that define which symbols should be used when a spinner succeeds, fails, warns or infos instead of the standard Ora ones.
"slidingDots": {
"five": {
"interval" : 80,
"frames": [...],
"succeed": {
"text": "◉◉◉◉◉"
"fail": {
"text": "◯◯◯◯◯"
"warn": {
"text": "◯◉◯◉◯"
"info": {
"text": "◯◉◯◉◯"
const Ora = require('ora'), sp = require('ora_spinners'), spin = Ora({
text: "Hello World!",
spinner: sp.slidingDots.five
}), { exec } = require('child-process');
const succeed = (s,t) => {
text: t || '',
symbol: sp.succeed('slidingDots.five');
const reallyImportantWork = `for (let i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {}`
exec(`node -e ${reallyImportantWork}`, e => {
if (e) throw e;
const S = require('ora_spinners');
is assumed.
All the spinners listed here are in this object.
function succeed(path: string): string
Given a path
for a spinner in the format category.name
, get the colored symbol to use with it on success. If none is defined, returns the standard one.
function fail(path: string): string
Given a path
for a spinner in the format category.name
, get the colored symbol to use with it on failure. If none is defined, returns the standard one.
function warn(path: string): string
Given a path
for a spinner in the format category.name
, get the colored symbol to use with it on warning. If none is defined, returns the standard one.
function succeed(path: string): string
Given a path
for a spinner in the format category.name
, get the colored symbol to use with it when logging an information. If none is defined, returns the standard one.