Team: Justine Cyr, Ben Darby, Ryan Webb
DS5020, Spring 2024
Professor: W Viles
An Overview of ANN/MLP: Analyzing Water Potability Data
Multilayer Perceptron for Water Potability Prediction - Paper
This project will demonstrate the implementation of a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP).
- It consists of an input layer of nodes that receive data.
- Hidden layer(s) of nodes that evaluate and specify the relationship between inputs and outputs.
- An output layer which provides approximated results using linear algebra.
This project is provided to showcase a method designed for classification, recognition, prediction and approximation.
To get started clone this repository onto your local network and navigate to the ds5020_mlp_project directory in your terminal.
type "make mlp" to run the mlp model
Repo Directories:
- data: contains the data files for the mlp model
- src: contains the source code for the mlp models
Multilayer Perceptron and Neural Networks
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks
A survey on neural networks for (cyber-) security and (cyber-) security of neural networks
An intelligent bankruptcy prediction model using a multilayer perceptron