Scrape job posting statistics by keyword & location. Currently only supports job board.
- Open your terminal and clone this repo to your machine
git clone
- Navigate into the new directory
cd job-board-scraper/
- Open the shell script
and customize the list of search terms and locations at the top of the file, then save and close the file.
- Run the script with Z-shell
- Remember if a job posting mentions your keyword at all, it will count towards the total. So if you see 1,000 Python jobs in your city, some of those are Python developer jobs but some could be Java jobs that also mention Python, or snake handler jobs that mention Python.
- A posting date filter of "last 14 days" is applied for all queries. The default on Indeed's website does not filter by posting date.
- A 50 mile search radius is applied for all queries (except for "Remote"). The default on Indeed's website is only 25.
- You can manually verify queries results and see the actual job postings at .
- One known bug (see issue #4 ). Occasionally the script will fail to scrape data for certain queries. Usually re-running the script once or twice will fix the issue.