A web application for PUG statistics.
Alex Blackham - Developer and Maintainer - B3none
So as to keep the latest version of the plugin I recommend watching the repository
If you appreciate the project then please take the time to star our repository.
The steps below are all written with the presumption that you're using Ubuntu.
- Apache2
- Composer
- PHP 7.1 or newer
- Gulp
git clone https://github.com/b3none/csgo-league-web
composer install
npm i
npm i -g gulp
gulp build
- Create Database
- Change
- Edit
for your Database - Migrate your DB with
./vendor/bin/phpmig migrate
cd web
php -S localhost:5000
- Point the
CNAME at your dedicated server. cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
nano csgo-league-web.conf
- Use the following config:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName league.your.domain
DocumentRoot /var/www/csgo-league-web/web
<Directory /var/www/csgo-league-web/web>
Options -Indexes
FallbackResource /index.php
sudo a2ensite csgo-league-web.conf