The goal of catapultR is to facilitate interface with OpenField Cloud APIs, including access to 10 Hz data, IMA events and generation 2 velocity and acceleration efforts for a given activity or a period. catapultR also facilitates some data manipulations, like reading 100 Hz CSV generated by Munger, Geodetic Coordinates Conversion to ENU (East, North, Up) with GPS or LPS positional data etc.
If running Windows, please make sure the R installation directory (as reported by R.home()) does not contain spaces. Otherwise catapultR installation might fail.
In Windows, install catapultR from a GitHub binary package with
imports <- c('dplyr', 'httr', 'jsonlite', 'xml2', 'purrr', 'readr', 'signal', 'stringr', 'tibble', 'tidyr', 'magrittr', 'R6', 'crul')
install.packages(imports[!(imports %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])], dependencies = TRUE)
On other platforms, install catapultR from GitHub source package with
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("SBGSports/catapultr", dependencies=TRUE, build_vignettes=TRUE)
The package is distributed under MIT license. is the catapultR package home.
Run the following to access catapultR vignettes, help and version: