NOTE: This bot is single-threaded since I am too lazy to update the project with ThreadPoolExecutor
for concurrent IO.
This bot is ready to be deployed to Heroku (Procfile and requirements.txt are created and filled). If you want to use celery and write your own tasks for it add to Procfile:
worker: celery worker
Available plugins right now:
- Overwatch: Statistics, hero stats etc
- Notes: Create, edit and share notes with your slackmates in channels
- Weather: Ask bot to print the weather of the city
- File storage(files): Store your files in dropbox
- Some news plugins (IGN, etc)
- SoundCloud: coming soon
NOTE: You can remove plugins from plugins/ directory if you don't want to use them.
All you need to do is to specify these ENV_VARIABLES:
- BOT_ID : Your slackbot ID
- REGION : EU/US (for overwatch plugin: if you don't use it - just skip this)
- APIXU_API_KEY: Weather service token(Apixu). This is very friendly and free to use service. Just skip this if you don't want to use weather plugin
- SLACK_BOT_TOKEN : You can obtain it on
- DROPBOX_TOKEN: Dropbox app token for files plugin
- ENV : set to development if you don't have redis and want to use local memory. Set to production if you want to use your redis to store data from plugins
- REDIS_URL: Redis URL if you set ENV to production
- CELERY_ENABLED: Set value to 1 if you want to use celery and also-
- AMQP_URL: for celery too
- NEWS_API_KEY: if you want to use news plugins (
If you want to run it locally - just clone repo, specify ENV variables and make:
python bot/
NOTE Use celery with AMQP Broker for it
For example you want to post to your channel random file
from you storage using files
plugin periodically:
# file: bot/
def post_random_webm():
files_cls = import_string(files_cls_str)
files_plugins = [
p for p in slack_backend.plugins
if isinstance(p, files_cls)
file_plugin = files_plugins[0]
And then you just add it to celerybeat cron jobs:
# file bot/
def add_periodic(**kwargs):
from bot.tasks import post_random_webm
name='Post random WEBM'