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CrewChief version 4.7

Written by Jim Britton (main app, voice acting, Raceroom and PCars implementations), Morten Roslev (Assetto Corsa implementation), Vytautas LeonaviÄŤius (rFactor2 implementation) and Dan Allongo (Automobilista and rFactor1 implementation). The application is the result of lots of lots of hard work and input from the guys above as well as some great advice and support from the community and the guys at Sector3 and SMS.

Additional material from Scoops (fantastic track layout mapping work). Fantastic alternate spotter sounds by Geoffrey Lessel, Matt Orr (aka EmptyBox), Clare Britton, Mike Schreiner and Phil Linden.

The source code for Crew Chief is available here:

For support and discussions about Crew Chief we have our very own forum here:

Version R3E 64Bit support; Added voice command to tell you (once the data is availalbe) what the relative performance difference is between different tyre types based on the best lap in the session for tyre type - e.g. "Softs are about 0.4 seconds faster than Mediums, Mediums are about 1.2 seconds faster than Hards". The voice command is "Give me tyre pace differences", "What are the tire speeds?" / "Whats the difference between tires?" / "Compare tire compounds" (currently R3E only); Added opponent tyre type info when they leave the pits after changed tyre type.

Version More RF2 race end detection fixes; Added Imola corner mappings for R3E; fixed race start message being repeated on manual rolling starts; some additional checks to prevent mandatory pitstop messages playing during or after you've completed your stop.

Version Compatibility fixes for new Raceroom shared memory layout; Map to new Raceroom tyre types - you can ask "what tyres is [opponent name] on?", or "what tyres am I on?"

Version Better sound pack update mechanism - wastes less bandwidth; Added "minimise to tray" and "start minimised" options. Minimise to tray places a Crew Chief icon in the system-tray when you minimise the app, with a right-click menu contain commonly used functions. The app can be started minimised if desired; Only allow manual formation lap mode to supress messages in race sessions (fixes missing messages in practice & qual with manual formation lap mode enabled); Fixed session end detection in RF2 / AMS / RF1 - the app should also detect when you click 'next session' without clicking 'end session' first; Added a new fuel calculation command ("calculate fuel for [x] [laps / minutes / hours]" / "how much fuel do i need for [x] [laps / minutes / hours]" / "how much fuel for [x] [laps / minutes / hours]" / ) - for example, "how much fuel do I need for twenty minutes?". Assuming the app's had the chance to record your fuel usage over at least one lap (the more the better), it'll estimate how much fuel you'll need for the requested number of laps / time based on your average consumption. IMPORTANT: if you use this to set your fuel load in a timed race you MUST add extra fuel to account for the lap you need to finish after the race timer reaches zero. The app WILL NOT DO THIS FOR YOU - if you put in exactly 20 minutes worth of fuel for a 20 minute race you'll run out on the last lap; Fixed some issues in the fuel use tracking logic.

Version Fixed initialisation errors in TTS engine which prevented the app from starting when "Use TTS for missing names" was enabled; added option to select where the race starts on a manual formation lap - "Manual formation 'go' when leader crosses line". If this is true (the default) the app assumes that the race starts and cars are allowed to overtake as soon as the leader crosses the start line. If it's false, the app assumes that no one is allowed to overtake until they cross the start line; Added some RF1 session identifier fixes - should correct a few issues caused by the app thinking the race was actually qualifying.

Version Fix for some settings getting corrupted on system which use a comma as a decimal separator - this causes some spotter and voice recognition issues. If you have already encountered this, please reload the app's default settings; Some fuel use calculation fixes; Spotter fixes; Added manual formation lap support. This supresses most messages on lap 1 and plays an alternate sequence of start messages - it assumes you're not allow to pass until you cross the start line. This mode can be activated and deactivated with a button press ("Toggle manual formation lap mode") or a voice command (enable with "this is the formation lap" / "formation lap" / "rolling start", disable with "standing start" / "no formation lap").

Version Added optional radio beeps for when the spotter or the Chief interrupt each other. "Insert beep-out between Spotter and Chief" plays the close-channel beep after the chief / spotter has finished, and "Insert beep-in between Spotter and Chief" (the default) plays the open-channel beep before the chief / spotter interrupts. The spotter and chief use different beep sounds here, and these options can be combined if you want 2 beeps (close then open) when interrupting; Attempt to delete corrupted settings and force the app to restart if they can't be processed; Don't play fuel consumption estimate if it's 0 litres per lap

Version RF2 plugin fixes for car damage issues in online races
Version Fixed spotter logic where it would consider 2 cars along side to be "3 side", even if those cars were one behind the other; Use oval spotter messages (inside / outside) when on known oval tracks, if the selected spotter has these sounds; Tweaked spotter enable / disable sound to be a bit more appropriate for non-default spotter voice packs; Fixed broken sector 3 time deltas in Project Cars

Version Fixed Assetto Corsa pit window open calculation for sessions with a fixed number of laps; Fixed a crash bug when starting the app with no sound pack
Version Added dropdown to main screen to allow a different spotter voice to be selected; Added Geoffrey Lessel's awesome spotter sounds - these are in the latest sound pack. Select "Geoffrey" from the new 'Spotter voice pack' menu; Fixed a couple more spotter bugs; Added button binding to get fuel status (consumption and fuel remaining). The "how's my fuel?" voice command now reports the consumption as well as the remaining fuel

Version More Scoops-Brand RF2 corner mappings; Fixed some spotter bugs; Added searching to Properties screen to make it a little less user-hostile; Replaced the nasty underscore_property_names with proper names on the Properties screen

Version Substantial RF2 plugin rewrite; Attempt to map game data if we detect the PCars2 exe - this does (apparently) work but expect some bugs and issues; Ported some fixes from the PCars Android app - some free practice session improvements, more aggressive pruning of broken driver data, better (hopefully...) method of identifying player's data so monitoring other drivers shouldn't confuse the app.

Version Use game-provided mandatory pitstop data where available (should fix app thinking you've completed your mandatory pitstop when the game thinks otherwise); Some more car and track mappings from Scoops; Added 'three wide you're on the left' and 'three wide you're on the right' to the spotter - optional, disabled by default (spotter_enable_three_wide_left_and_right in the Properties screen); Added voice command to get info about the car in front / behind is slower / faster than you - "where should I attack" / "where am I faster" / "where can I attack" or "where should I defend" / "where am I slower" / "where is he faster" / "where will he attack"; A few bug fixes; mapped Watkins Glen for PCars; Added fuel use per lap response - "what's my fuel usage" / "what's my fuel consumption" / "what's my fuel use".

Version Overhauled internal sound handling to make the app behave better; Faster start up times; Better CPU usage; some internal fixes; more of Scoop's corner mappings (recordings still to be done)

Version Fixed some RFactor and RFactor2 issue; Added a few more track location mappings (thanks again Scoops); Disabled 'incident ahead' in R3E while I resolve the false-positives

Version Added a big set of corner name and location data thanks to Scoops' hard work; Overhauled yellow flag logic for sector yellows and local yellows; Read times accurate to hundredths of a second in some circumstances; added oval-specific behaviours (enabled per-track with a flag in trackLandmarks.json) - ignores brake and left side tyre temps, estimates tyre wear from right side tyres only; added an experimental 'realistic mode' option - enabling this supresses some messages based on car class and track (e.g. spotter is off at start of session when not on ovals, older car classes have less telemetry based info like tyre temps) - this is very much 'work in progress'; added per-car class behaviours for yellow flag phrasing (e.g. pace car vs safety car) and last lap message (e.g. "white flag" for last lap only applies to Indy and NASCAR cars); Added 'force update check' button.

Version Fixed AC plugin after 1.14 update.

Version Fixed a silly bug in the legacy R3E blue flag detection (used when flag rules are disabled).

Version Automatically switch between yellow and blue flag implementations in R3E depending on whether flag rules are enabled in-game; Added some more incident calling and yellow flag options; Added button mapping and voice command to suspend and enable yellow flag messages - enable with "give me yellows", "tell me yellows", "give me incident updates" or "give me yellow flag updates". Disable with "no more yellows", "stop incident updates", "don't give me yellows" or "don't tell me yellows"; Fixed the "where is Bob?" voice message response in qual and practice sessions

Version Added R3E Mantorp Park (long), Norisring and Sachsenring corner data; A bit more R3E flag tweaking

Version Skip 'dead' opponent data copies coming from PCars (should fix a few issues with inaccurate opponent data); Added R3E Hungaroring corner data; Made opponent incident detection less sensitive and added an option to disable it (enable_simple_incident_detection); Reworked opponent lap and sector handling to fix incorrect sector time and pace reports (all games); Tweaked R3E yellow flag reporting to allow status changes to settle before reporting
Version A few minor bug fixes

Version Some more Raceroom flag calling tweaks - should be less noisy but may miss rapidly changing flag situations; Added RF2 'stock car' mode (sound recordings to follow);Added R3E Nurburgring GP corner data

Version Some Raceroom flag calling tweaks

Version Initial support for Raceroom yellow flag implementation and revised shared memory layout; a few minor bug fixes

Version Delay lead change messages slightly and validate before playing; fixed potential error when working out where a pileup has occurred 

Version Fix crash bug in PCars with UDP data

Version Added installer for game specific plugins (AC, AMS / RF1 and RF2) - the app now offers to copy the required plugin files to the games' install directory if they're missing or out of date; extended incident reporting logic and sounds to allow for multiple involved drivers to be reported (if we have the driver name sounds) or 'pileup' warning if 4 or more drivers are stopped in the same corner; added more corner landmarks; opponent tracking fixes for PCars; loads and loads of bugfixes and improvements

Version Temporary hack to reduce wheel locking sensitivity - hopefully will prevent false-positives while I work out a better algorithm

Version Temporary hack to reduce wheel spin sensitivity - hopefully will prevent false-positives while I work out a better algorithm; fixed Assetto Corsa pit window calls being 1 lap out

Version New Python module for Assetto Corsa - please replace your existing ...\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\apps\python\CrewChiefEx\ folder with the new one in the app's install folder; New plugin for RF2 - please replace your existing ...\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor2\Bin64\Plugins\rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll with the new one in the app's install folder; Added corner names to some calls on several tracks (this is will a work-in-progress); Revised RF2 and AMS opponent data handling to fix missing gap messages; More work on AMS session end bugs; Added better reporting of yellow flags for AMS and RF2 - the app will sometimes tell you who's involved in the incident and what corner the incident is in; Added simple incident reporting for known corners in R3E, AC and PCars; Added attack / defend calls for known corners (note these messages don't play often - this is intentional); Added brake locking and wheel spin reporting for known corners; RF2 timing accuracy improvements; Added Assetto Corsa damage reporting; Lots of minor bugfixes and improvements

Version Fixed AMS multi-class support and added some AMS car classes; Corrected AMS session end logic - should prevent session end messages playing until you complete your lap; Reworked AMS opponent lap time handlingdon't play 'chequered flag' message in race sessions; fixed messages not playing in unlimited timed sessions; some bug fixes

Version Fixed PCars timed sessions

Version Fixed broken personalisations (oops)

Version Fixed broken settings preventing changes to any setting from being saved

Version Integrated personalisations - the app will ask you to download a new "Personalisations" sound pack. When this is complete the "My name" drop down box (top right) has a long list of names the app can use when addressing you. This replaces the old method of manually unpacking a prefixes_and_suffixes folder to the app's sounds; Work-around for Assetto Corsa sometimes giving out of date position information; Disable multi-class code for RF1 based games because the vehicle type data from Automobilista is too vague (things like "Ford" and "Peugeot"); Ported RF2 full course yellow and sector-specific yellow flag announcements to Automobilista; Removed irrelvant pit window messages from RF1 based sims - in offline sessions, if a pit schedule is defined the app will call "box now" in accordance with this schedule (assuming equal stint lengths) - this can be disabled with enable_ams_pit_schedule_messages property;Fixed cut track warnings playing on out laps in Automobilista

Version Major overhaul of time reading (English sound pack - users of the Italian sound pack are unaffected); added RF2 caution period and yellow flag events; scan for controllers only on request (press the "Scan for controllers" button to update the app's list of controllers) - this also improves the app's startup time; fixed Assetto Corsa missing race start after 1.12 patch; added chequered flag message for timed sessions (still some issues here with PCars); reworked PCars session end detection; added controller bindings for message volume up / down; added some simple help text (much much more needs to be added to this); externalised car class definitions (first version - lots more work to do here); lots of bug fixes

Version First cut of RF2 support, thanks to The Iron Wolf. This needs an additional .dll plugin for RF2 - see Updated some Raceroom car classes

Version Some controller cleanup tweaks

Version R3E patch update

Version Fixed controllers initialisation bug which should fix very slow (2-3 minutes) startup time for some users - thanks Tako.

Version Removed some debug calls

Version Only cancel pre-lights messages on throttle application; Added option to disable yellow flags in Assetto Corsa, and made them a little less frequent; Some Assetto Corsa opponent position fixes

Version Fixed some issues with pre-lights messages

Version Reworked pre-lights message logic (optional) - app will play race session messages while you're on the grid until the throttle / brake / clutch is pressed, then it'll play the 'get ready' message. This can be enabled by selecting 'play_pre_lights_messages_until_cancelled' option on the Properties screen; Some driver name mapping fixes.

Version Added more tyres for Assetto Corsa; fixed missing 'standby' response delay; reduced pre-lights message queue length; some Italian translation support fixes.

Version "How are my tyre temps" and "How are my brake temps" now give the status (hold / good / cold) rather than the actual temps.

Version Fixed AC spotter being disabled at the start of each lap; Fixed crash when selecting AC as the game type if the previous game type was AMS; Started wiring up AC tyre wear / temp data (just GT3 class so far).

Version Added missing AMS / RF1 / GSC command line parameter game selection; Final version of Assetto Corsa Python module. IMPORTANT: remember to update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to .../Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python/).

Version More Assetto Corsa additions. IMPORTANT: remember to update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to .../Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python/).

Version More Assetto Corsa additions. IMPORTANT: remember to update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to .../Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python/).

Version More Assetto Corsa additions (no changes to the CrewChiefEx python app in this revision).

Version More Assetto Corsa additions and fixes including some performance improvements. IMPORTANT: remember to update the CrewChiefEx Python app from this new release (copy the CrewChiefEx folder from the app's install location to .../Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python/). Note that sector times in multi-player are not yet accurate, and that player needs to drive 1 lap in single-player before sector gaps have been recorded.

Version Added missing Python plugin for Assetto Corsa. Copy the CrewChiefEx folder from Crew Chief's installation location to /Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python and activate the plugin in-game.

Version First cut of Assetto Corsa support courtesy of Sparten - this is a work-in-progress. Copy the CrewChiefEx folder to /Steam/steamapps/common/assettocorsa/apps/python and activate the plugin in-game; added blue flag max trigger distance (increase this to make the blue flag warnings play when the lapping car is further away). 

Version Fixed incorrect sector gap reports for rF1; Fixed session variables not resetting at start of new session for rF1; Disabled erroneous damage reporting in Hot Lap sessions for rF1; Fixed erroneous fuel warning messages in non-race sessions for rF1; Fixed erroneous flags in non-race sessions for rF1; Added basic invalid lap detection for rF1; Improved wheel spin/lock detection for rF1;

Version Fixed 'leader is pitting' message for rF1; Improved opponent state tracking for rF1 (allows for duplicate AI in grids); Adjusted scheduled pit stop notifications to be offline/single player only for rF1; Adjusted 'pit now' message for scheduled stops to play before passing pit entrance for rF1; Fixed 'green green green' messages after formation lap for rF1; Disabled spotter during formation lap for rF1; Added 'get ready' message during final sector of formation lap for rF1; Fixed incorrect brake temperatures for rF1; Improved multi-class race support for rF1; Added penalty notifications; Fixed 'the next guy is' message spamming for rF1; Fixed 'the gap behind is reeling you in' message for rF1

Version Fixed opponent lap timing and sector gap reporting for rF1; Fixed blue flag behavior for rF1; Adjusted damage reporting for rF1; Fix session type and session phase detection for rF1; Improve pit window mapping for rF1; Add green flag and off-track detection for rF1; Scheduled pit stop detection for rF1;

Version Fixed tire temp warnings for rF1; Fixed pit exit traffic notifications for rF1; Added black flag notification for rF1; Adjusted blue flag behavior for rF1; Adjusted invalid lap detection for rF1; Added ambient temps, track temps, and wind info for rF1; Added detached wheel info for rF1; Fixed auto-launch for rF1; Added separate menu items for Automobilista, Stock Car Extreme, Copa Petrobras de Marcas and Formula Truck; Adjusted auto-launch options for R3E.

Version Initial (beta) support for rFactor 1/Automobilista/Stock Car Extreme. Download 'rFactorSharedMemoryMap.dll' from and place it in the sim's Plugin folder, then select 'rFactor' in Crew Chief.

Version Include more laps in the opponent vs player laptime comparisons during race sessions

Version Use lastSectorTime data for opponent cars when in PCars UDP (network data) mode. This makes the opponent lap time reports accurate as the app doesn't have to time them itself (this data isn't available in PCars shared memory data)

Version Fixed PCars practice and qual session data being cleared when pitting (should fix a lot of the inaccuracies in these sessions); Pause messages after a "stand by" response

Version Fixed Raceroom WTCC 2014 tyre heating thresholds

Version Fixed Raceroom BMW M1 tyre heating thresholds;A few internal tweaks and fixes

Version Don't repeat "stand by" or "didn't understand" messages when responding to a "repeat please" voice command; Fixed 'what time is is' voice command (thanks Gongo)

Version Added more logging around UDP packet reception and processing; Fixed a couple of memory leaks; Don't play 'no tyre wear' after changing tyres

Version Fixed a bug in the gap-ahead logic that was triggering 'keep him under pressure' messages too often

Version Added support for secondary driver names mappings file 'additional_names.txt' so the auto-updater doesn't overwrite user-made changes to names.txt; Additional validation on R3E sector reports; Added "what's the fastest lap" and "what time is it" voice commands (reports session best lap for player class, and current [real world] time of day); A few bug fixes and minor improvements; Reworked R3E tyre temperature checking to make better use of the core temps provided by the game (for new physics model cars).
Version Added ADAC 2015 and F4 RaceRoom class; PCars suspension damage threshold tweak; Damage reporting rework; Various bug fixes and minor improvements; Don't play fuel messages while being refuelled; Don't play wheel spin / locking when in the pits or when we have a puncture or missing wheel; Fixed best lap and brake damage voice commands; Added brake and tyre temp warning on pit exit (when temps aren't optimal) - these are optional (brake temp warning is on by default, tyre temp warning is off); Some voice commands now trigger a "stand by" response, then a few seconds later the actual response (optional, disabled by default - uses "enable_delayed_responses" property); More frequent opponent gap reports on longer tracks.

Version Added Raceroom Formula Junior class; Tweaked Raceroom engine damage thresholds.

Version Some TTS revisions; Updated RaceRoom car classes to match new patch.

Version Some TTS changes so the app should use Microsoft's David voice on Windows 10 (Windows 7 users are stuck with the execrable Anna); Some gamer tag -> driver name extraction tweaks.

Version Fixed crash bug when selecting 'alternate beeps'; Some Project Cars session restart detection changes; Work in progress text-to-speech for missing driver name.

Version Added missing position messages for positions greater than 24.

Version Disable PCars pit window messages by default (can be re-enabled with the enable_pcars_pit_window_messages setting) - this only works correctly in offline races; Revised some of the PCars session-end logic to reduce the likelihood of the app detecting a session restart when one hasn't actually taken place. This should also prevent the app from removing cached laptime data (which results in inaccurate 'best lap' messages).

Version More pit window logic fixes for PCars; don't play pre-lights messages in PCars when the race is a fixed time.

Version Fixed 'box this lap' calls being made when there is no mandatory stop, when running PCars in UDP mode.

Version Fixed some speech recogniser / button handling issues - "Toggle" mode is now renamed "Press and release button" and actually works; Read the sector times response as a single message per sector, to allow interrupting and fix an issue with the Italian number reader.

Version Fixed missing sector 3 time being read as "zero tenths off the pace".

Version Reworked sector delta reporting to provide actual deltas, rather than approximations; Some changes to the Italian number reader (still work in progress); Some bug fixes.

Version Removed some debug code that shouldn't have made it into the release.

Version A couple of internal fixes.
Version Added language-specific sound pack stuff; Better support for language specific number and time speech generation; Some internal bug fixing; Don't play wheel locking warnings if the player has a missing wheel or puncture; Don't play laptime improving / worsening messages if the conditions have significantly changed (rain or track temp); Don't play a message twice in succession if a player asks for something that the app was going to tell them anyway; Don't play good / OK start messages if the player has picked up a penalty (i.e. false start);Insert a short pause between some messages;Reduce the likelihood of multiple sweary messages being played in quick succession;Some better error trapping when the app is closed.

Version Fixed radio channel (hold) button function for PCars network data.

Version Added some car class data and pit detection points for the PCars Lotus DLC; Fixed some pit detection issues in PCars; Added option to enable spotter in hot lap (time trial) mode for PCars; Don't play lap time messages when we're in the pit lane;Don't complain about worsening lap times if the player has made a pass on this lap

Version Major speech recognizer overhaul to allow customisation; Externalised all UI text; Added some options to number reading; Fixes to Hot Lap (timetrial) mode in PCars; Don't trigger flags event when stationary; A couple of internal bug fixes

Version Added some car classes and Bannockbrae track for PCars; Remove stale opponents in PCars; Some internal error handling

Version Allow messages with optional prefixes / suffixes to play without their prefixes or suffixes; Tidied up String encoding handling; Reverted console logging change (after a couple of attempts - hence the version number jump)

Version Better selection of sound files from those available for each message - should give less repetition;Made the console logging a bit more efficient; Some String encoding rework for PCars. PS4 users should use UTF-8 for the pcars_character_encoding property, XBox and PC should use windows-1252; Added PCars V8 Supercar to car classes (more to come here); Fixed last-lap message for R3E timed races (should now work when you're not leading)

Version Fixed possible bug in pit detection that could cause repeated messages; Added 'can you hear me' speech recognition to check it's working (should respond with 'yes, I can hear you'); Take start position into account when generating race end message; A couple of internal bug fixes; A few sound pack tweaks to make the personalisation sounds work a little better

Version Renamed UDP network button data option to make it clearer that this takes button presses from the UDP stream, rather than from the device directly

Version More internal fixes to the radio channel handling logic to handle a couple of edge-cases where it wasn't closing the channel promptly; Spotter performance and latency improvements; Spotter logic fixes for cases where a '3 wide' turns into a 'car left' / 'car right'; Don't attempt to update and load a new driver name for an existing player if the new name isn't valid / usable; Tyre temp range tweaks; Check messages for validity and timeout just before playing them; Use separate class for each PCars Road car class; Handle broken PCars string data which had null characters in the middle of the String; PCars car class handling improvements

Version Internal audio handling overhaul - better queue handling, smarter caching of sound objects, more reliable radio channel state management (should prevent channel being left open); Added support for personalised message prefixes and suffixes; Spotter fix - reinstated missing width separation check to prevent spotter calls being made when a car is directly in front / behind but within the car length parameter; Internal audio handling overhaul - better queue handling, more reliable radio channel state management (should prevent channel being left open); Fixed number reading for some numbers; Fixed DTM 2014 tyre compound error in the 'box now' message; Validate overtake messages to ensure they're not out of date by the time they're played

Version Fixed major regression for Project Cars - hold all internal Strings as raw byte arrays (which may or may not have a null first character) and decode them when we need them

Version Internal rework for Project Cars to handle String data which occasionally starts with a null character. Should fix 'missing' opponents and incorrect car classes

Version Major spotter overhaul - changed the way app calculates opponent speeds, much more accurate. Should make a difference to the ghost calls

Version Overtaking messages tweak - make these a bit more likely; Increased some brake temp thresholds: Fixed "what's my best lap time" response; Stop the autoupdater running when the app starts listening for data; Added packet rate estimate to console output for PCars Network data

Version Fixed startup bug on initial install; Some fuel useage warning rework

Version Fixed overtaking messages in PCars (caused by noise in the opponent speed data - this is now based on a sliding average); Fixed baseline engine temperature calculations for RaceRoom; Corrected brake temp thresholds and engine damage thresholds; Some internal bug fixes in the spotter and numeric message handling; Do auto update checks in a background Thread; Fixed session time left reporting

Version Added optional default sound pack installation location override property ('override_default_sound_pack_location'); Fixed RaceRoom spotter ghost calls at some tracks; reworked laptime comparisons for practice and qual sessions; fixed "where's p X" response.

Version Fixed sound pack installation location - this now uses /Users/[username]/AppData/Local/CrewChiefV4/sounds

Version Initial release of version 4. The app now comes packaged as a single auto-updating .msi installer and includes integrated sound and driver names pack updating. The spotter has been overhauled, brake temp messages fixed, and car class and driver names for RaceRoom Formula 2 drivers have been added.

Known Issues Which Aren't Fixable

Project Cars doesn't send opponent laptime data, so the app has to time their laps. In practice and qual sessions this is fairly reliable (because the app can use the time remaining in the session, sent by the game, for its 'clock' when timing). In race sessions with a fixed number of laps the app has nothing it can use as a clock to time the laps, so times them itself. This can lead to opponent lap / sector time inaccuracies if the player pauses the game (the app's clock is still running).

Joining a session part way through (practice or qualify session online) will result in the app having an incomplete set of data for opponent lap and sector times. In such cases the best opponent lap and sector data is inaccurate. For Project Cars, there's nothing I can do about this. The opponent lap and sector times aren't in the shared memory (the app has to time their laps), so the pace and sector delta reports may be inaccurate (they use the fastest lap completed while the app is running). For Raceroom we can get the fastest opponent lap time, but if this lap was completed before the app was running, the sectors within that lap aren't accessible. In this case the pace report will include the lap time delta, but there'll be no sector delta reports.

In both cases as soon as an opponent sets a faster lap, the app will have up to date best lap data so the pace and sector reports will be accurate and complete.

Project Cars doesn't send opponent car class data, so the app has to assume that all drivers in the race are in the same car class. For multiclass races, all pace and other reports will be relative to the overall leader / fastest car.

RaceRoom uses a 'slot_id' field to uniquely identify drivers in a race. However, this field doesn't really work properly (there are lots of issues with it), so the app has to use the driver's names. Driver names for AI driver are not unique. All the lap time and other data held for each driver is indexed by driver name so if a race has 2 or more drivers with the same name, the app will get things like lap and sector times wrong. This is only a problem racing the AI - be aware that if you have a car class with a limited number of unique AI drivers (Daytona Prototypes / German Nationals / Americal Nationals / Hill Climb Legends / etc), but select a field size greater than this, the app will do weird things.

RaceRoom doesn't have a pre-start procedure phase for offline races, and in the pre-start phase online ("Gridwalk") very little valid and accurate data is available.

Project Cars doesn't have a distinct pre-start procedure phase. I've added some more messages before the 'get ready' but there's a risk here that they might delay the 'get ready' message.

Detecting 'good' passes isn't really feasible. I've tried to limit the 'good pass' messages to overtakes that are reasonably 'secure', don't result in the other car slowing excessively, and don't involve the player going off-track. I can't, for example, tell the difference between a clean pass and a bump-and-run punt, so you might get congratulated for driving like a berk.

Quick start
You need to install .net 4.5 or above to use the app. Download the CrewChiefV4.msi installer and run it. Start the app. Click the "Download sound pack" button and the "Download driver names" button to get the latest sounds and driver names. Select a game from the list at the top right. When the sounds and driver names have finished downloading, click the "Start Application" button. Then fire up the game. Note that the app comes with swearing 'off' by default - if you want to be sworn at you need to enable this in the Properties UI.

Running with voice recognition
If you want to use voice recognition, download the correct speech recognition installers for your system ( or Run SpeechPlatformRuntime.msi (this is the MS speech recognition engine), then run MSSpeech_SR_en-GB_TELE.msi or MSSpeech_SR_en-US_TELE.msi depending on your preferred accent (these are the 'cultural info' installers). If you want to use US speech recognition (MSSpeech_SR_en-US_TELE.msi) you must modify the "speech_recognition_location" property to "en-US". This can be done by editing CrewChiefV4.exe.config, or by modifying the property value in the application's Properties area. If you're happy with en-GB you don't need to do anything other than run the 2 speech recognition installers.

For speech recognition, you need a microphone configured as the default "Recording" device in Windows.

To get started, run CrewChiefV4.exe and choose a "Voice recognition mode". There are 3 modes (the radio buttons at the bottom right). "Disabled" means that the app won't attempt any speech recognition. "Hold button" means you have to hold down a button while you speak, and release the button when you're finished. "Toggle button" means you press a button once to start the speech recognition, and the app will continue to listen and process your spoken requests until you press the button again to switch it off (while the app is listening you can make as many voice requests as you like, you don't need to toggle speech recognition off and back on again if you want to ask another question). "Always on" means the app is always listening for and processing speech commands. Selecting "Disabled" or "Always on" from this list makes the app ignore the button assigned to "Talk to crew chief".

If you want to use Hold button or Toggle button mode, select a controller device ("Available controllers" list, bottom left), choose "Talk to crew chief" in the "Available actions" list and click "Assign control". Then press the button you want to assign to your radio button. 

You need to speak clearly and your mic needs to be properly set up - you might need to experiment with levels and gain (Microphone boost) in the Windows control panel. If he understood he'll respond - perhaps with helpful info, perhaps with "we don't have that data". If he doesn't quite understand he'll ask you to repeat yourself. If he can't even tell if you've said something he'll remain silent. There's some debug logging in the main window that might be useful.

I've not finished implementing this but currently the app understands and responds to the following commands:

"how's my [fuel / tyre wear / body work / aero / engine / transmission / suspension / pace ]"
"how are my [tyre temps / tyre temperatures / brakes / brake temps / brake temperatures / engine temps / engine temperatures]"
"what's my [gap in front / gap ahead / gap behind / last lap / last lap time / lap time / position / fuel level / best lap / best lap time]"
"what's the fastest lap" (reports the fastest lap in the session for the player's car class)
"keep quiet / I know what I'm doing / leave me alone" (switches off messages)
"keep me informed / keep me posted / keep me updated" (switches messages back on)
"how long's left / how many laps are left / how many laps to go"
"spot / don't spot" (switches the spotter on and off - note even in "leave me alone" mode the spotter still operates unless you explicitly switch it off)
"do I still have a penalty / do I have a penalty / have I served my penalty"
"do I have to pit / do I need to pit / do I have a mandatory pit stop / do I have a mandatory stop / do I have to make a pit stop"
"where's [opponent driver last name]"
"where's P [opponent position]"
"what's [opponent driver last name]'s last lap"
"what's [opponent driver last name]'s best lap"
"what's [opponent race position]'s last lap" (for example, "what's p 4's best lap", or "what's position 4's last lap")
"what's [opponent race position]'s best lap"
"what's [the car in front / the guy in front / the car ahead / the guy ahead]'s last lap"
"what's [the car in front / the guy in front / the car ahead / the guy ahead]'s best lap"
"what's [the car behind / the guy behind]'s last lap"
"what's [the car behind / the guy behind]'s best lap"
"what tyre(s) is [opponent driver last name / opponent race position] on" (DTM 2014 only - reports "options" or "primes")
"what are my sector times"
"what's my last sector time"
"who's leading" (this one only works if you have the driver name recording for the lead car)
"who's [ahead / ahead in the race / in front / in front in the race / behind / behind in the race]" (gives the name of the car in front / behind in the race or on the timing sheet for qual / practice. This one only works if you have the driver name recording for that driver)
"who's [ahead on track / in front on track / behind on track]" (gives the name of the car in front / behind in on track, regardless of his race / qual position. This one only works if you have the driver name recording for that driver)
"tell me the gaps / give me the gaps / tell me the deltas / give me the deltas" (switch on 'deltas' mode where the time deltas in front and behind get read out on each lap. Note that these messages will play even if you have disabled messages)
"don't tell me the gaps / don't tell me the deltas / no more gaps / no more deltas" (switch off deltas mode)
"repeat last message / say again" (replays the last message)
"What's the air temp / what's the air temperature / what's the track temp / what's the track temperature" (current air / track temps in celsius)
"What are my [brake / tyre] [temperatures / temps]"
"What time is it / what's the time" (reports current real-world time)

Speech recognition customisation
If you want to change the phrases the app listens for (e.g. instead of asking "how's my tyre wear", perhaps you want to as "how's my boots looking"), create a file called "speech_recognition_config.txt" in [user]\AppData\Local\CrewChiefV4 and use this to override the defaults found in [installDir]\speech_recognition_config.txt

Other button assignments
You can assign the 'toggle spotter on/off', 'toggle race updates on/off', 'toggle opponent deltas' and 'repeat last message' to separate buttons if you want to be able to toggle the spotter function and toggle the crew chief's updates on or off during the race. This doesn't require voice recognition to be installed - simply run the app, assign a button to one or both of these functions, and when in-race pressing that button will toggle the spotter / crew chief / opponent deltas on and off.

When you first run the app it will create a user configuration folder in /Users/[username]/AppData/local/CrewChiefV4 (for example, on my system this is in C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Local\CrewChiefV4). This folder holds your application settings. The settings can be accessed by clicking the "Properties" button in the app. This displays a popup window where you can tweak stuff if you want to. This interface is a bit rubbish but should let you tweak settings if you want to, although the properties are all (currently) undocumented. If you do change something in this interface, the app needs to restart to pick up the change - the "Save and restart" button should do this.

Each property has a "reset to default" button, or if you get completely stuck you can close the app and delete the user configuration folder and it should reset everything.

Custom controllers
This is untested. If your controller doesn't show up in the list of available controllers you can set the "custom_controller_guid" property to the GUID of your controller device. If this is a valid controller GUID the app will attempt to initialise it an add it to the list of available controllers.

Program start arguments
If you want to have the game pre-selected, start the app like this for PCars: [full path]\CrewChiefV4.exe PCARS_64BIT. Or use R3E or PCARS_32BIT.
This can be used in conjunction with the launch_pcars / launch_raceroom / [game]_launch_exe / [game]_launch_params and run_immediately options to set crew chief up to start the game selected in the app launch argument, and start its own process. I'll provide examples of this approach soon. 

Updating the app
If a new version of the app is available the auto updater will prompt you to download it. This will download and run a new .msi installer - just point it at the existing install location and it'll update your old installation. It won't remove your existing sound pack or your settings.

If a new sound pack or driver names pack is available the appropriate Download button(s) will be enabled - these will download and unpack the updated sounds / driver names, then restart the application.

the 64bit speech recognition installers can be downloaded here 	 :
the 32bit speech recognition installers can be downloaded here   :

I made this because I wanted to make it and I enjoy making stuff. Working with the various quirks, errors and omissions in the shared data which the games provide hasn't been much fun, but it's all part of the challenge. Having said that, there are many many hours of hard work invested in this.
If you use it and like it and it becomes a regular and positive part of your sim racing, I'd be grateful if you would consider making a small donation. If only to stop my wife from complaining at me.

My paypal address is [email protected]

Or you can use this to donate directly:

Would be great to recoup some of the investment in making this, but the most important thing is that the app is used 'in anger' and enjoyed as part of the sim racing experience. To this end, I'm always on the lookout for bug reports and feature suggestions.

One final point. If the app says "Jim is faster than you", let him through :)


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