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MiniGraph overview

What is MiniGraph?

MiniGraph is an out-of-core system for graph computations with a single machine. This repository is the main codebase for the MiniGraph project, containing both the utility used to generate and convert graphs as well as the main graph engine, MiniGraph.


Compared to the existing out-of-core single-machine graph systems, MiniGraph has the following features.

  • A pipelined architecture. MiniGraph proposes an architecture that pipelines access to disk for read and write, and CPU operations for query answering. The idea is to overlap I/O and CPU operations, so as to “cancel” the excessive I/O cost. Moreover, this architecture decouples computation from memory management and scheduling, giving rises to new opportunities for optimizations.
  • A hybrid parallel model. MiniGraph extends the graph-centric model (GC) from multiple machines to multiple cores. GC allows a core to operate on a subgraph at a time, speed up beyond neighborhood computation and reduce its I/O; it also simplifies parallel programming by parallelizing existing sequential algorithms across cores. MiniGraph also proposes a hybrid model for VC and GC, and a unified interface such that the users can benefit from both and can choose one that fits their problems and graphs the best.
  • Two-level parallelism. The hybrid model also enables two-level parallelism: inter-subgraph parallelism via high-level GC abstraction, and intra-subgraph parallelism for low-level VC operations. This presents new opportunities for improving multi-core parallelism. However, its relevant scheduling problem is NP-complete. This said, we develop efficient heuristics to allocate resources, which is dynamically adapted based on resource availability.
  • System optimizations. MiniGraph develops unique optimization strategies enabled by the hybrid parallel model. It employs a lightweight state machine to model the progress of cores working on different subgraphs and tracks messages between cores. These allow it to explore shortcuts in the process to avoid redundant I/O.

Getting Started


MiniGraph builds, runs, and has been tested on GNU/Linux. At the minimum, MiniGraph depends on the following software:

  • A modern C++ compiler compliant with the C++17 standard (gcc >= 9)
  • CMake (>= 2.8)
  • Facebook folly library (>= v2022.11.28.00)
  • GoogleTest (>= 1.11.0)
  • RapidCSV (>= 8.65)
  • Boost::ext SML (>= 1.1.6)
  • jemalloc (>=5.30)


First, clone the project and install dependencies on your environment.

# Clone the project (SSH).
# Make sure you have your public key has been uploaded to GitHub!
git clone [email protected]:SICS-Fundamental-Research-Center/MiniGraph.git
# Install dependencies.
$SRC_DIR=`MiniGraph` # top-level MiniGraph source dir
$cd $SRC_DIR

Build the project.

$mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR
$cmake ..

Running MiniGraph Applications

Preparation: Partition & convert graph.

We store graphs in a binary CSR format. Edge-list in CSV format can be converted to our CSR format with graph_convert tool provided in tools. You can use graph_convert_exec as follows:

$./bin/graph_partition_exec -t csr_bin -p -n  [the number of fragments] -i [graph in csv format] -sep [seperator, e.g. ","] -o [workspace]  -cores [degree of parallelism] -tobin -partitioner ["vertexcut" or "edgecut"]


Implementations of five graph applications (PageRank, Connected Components, Single-Source Shortest Paths, Breadth-First Search, Simulation) are included in the apps/cpp/ directory.

For instance to run a WCC workload. You may adjust the number of evaluators to control inter graphs parallelism and varying the degree of total parallelism by specifying parameters "-cc" and "-cores" as follows:

$cd $SRC_DIR
$./bin/wcc_vc_stream_exec  -i [workspace] -cc [The number of ComputingComponent] -buffer_size [The size of task queue] -cores [Degree of parallelism]

"buffer_size" is used to control the number of fragment that can residented in memory.

Demo: WCC on road-Net

$cd $SRC_DIR
$./bin/graph_partition_exec -t csr_bin -p -n 1 -i inputs/roadNet-CA.csv -sep "," -o inputs/workspace/ -cores 20 -tobin -partitioner vertexcut
$./bin/wcc_vc_stream_exec -i inputs/workspace/ -cc 1 -buffer_size 1 -cores 20

Writing Your Own Graph Algorithms: WCC

In addition, users can write their algorithms in MiniGraph. Currently, MiniGraph supports users to write their algorithms in PIE model and PIE+ model. Next, we will walk you through a concrete example of WCC to illustrate how MiniGraph can be used by developers to effectively analyze large graphs.

One method of computing the WCCs of a graph is to initialize each vertex to its IDs, and iteratively have every vertex update its IDs entry to be the minimum IDs entry of all of its neighbors in $G$.

To implement this algorithm in PIE+, users just need to fulfill the following two classes, i.e. AutoMapBase and AutoAppBase.

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCAutoMap : public minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  using GID_T = typename GRAPH_T::gid_t;
  using VID_T = typename GRAPH_T::vid_t;
  using VDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::vdata_t;
  using EDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::edata_t;
  using VertexInfo = minigraph::graphs::VertexInfo<VID_T, VDATA_T, EDATA_T>;

  WCCAutoMap() : minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>() {}

  // EMap applies the function F to all edges
  bool F(const VertexInfo& u, VertexInfo& v,
         GRAPH_T* graph = nullptr) override {
    return false;

  // VMap applies the function F to all vertex
  bool F(VertexInfo& u, GRAPH_T* graph = nullptr,
         VID_T* vid_map = nullptr) override {
    return false;


template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCPIE : public minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  using GID_T = typename GRAPH_T::gid_t;
  using VID_T = typename GRAPH_T::vid_t;
  using VDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::vdata_t;
  using EDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::edata_t;

  WCCPIE(minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>* auto_map,
         const CONTEXT_T& context)
      : minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>(auto_map, context) {}

  bool Init(GRAPH_T& graph,
            minigraph::executors::TaskRunner* task_runner) override {
            // Insert your code here

  bool PEval(GRAPH_T& graph,
             minigraph::executors::Task Runner* task_runner) override {
             // Insert your code heree

  bool IncEval(GRAPH_T& graph,
               minigraph::executors::TaskRunner* task_runner) override {
               // Insert your code here

  bool Aggregate(void* a, void* b,
                 minigraph::executors::TaskRunner* task_runner) override {
                 // Insert your code here

Fulfill Init Function

The Init function are mainly responsable for setting the initial value for each node & edges. Users could use auto_map_->ActiveMap() to do this in parallel. Here the Init function sets the initial value for each vertex u by graph->localid2globalid(u.vid)

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCAutoMap : public minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  static bool kernel_init(GRAPH_T* graph, const size_t tid, Bitmap* visited,
                          const size_t step) {
    for (size_t i = tid; i < graph->get_num_vertexes(); i += step) {
      auto u = graph->GetVertexByVid(i);
      graph->vdata_[i] = graph->localid2globalid(u.vid);
    return true;

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCPIE : public minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  bool Init(GRAPH_T& graph,
            minigraph::executors::TaskRunner* task_runner) override {
    Bitmap* visited = new Bitmap(graph.max_vid_);
    this->auto_map_->ActiveMap(graph, task_runner, visited,
                               WCCAutoMap<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>::kernel_init);
    delete visited;
    return true;

Fulfill PEval Function

In PEval of WCC, it gets the vertex that has minimum IDs in $G$ by this->context_.root_id. PEval checks each fragment whether it contains the root_id by !graph.IsInGraph(this->context_.root_id).

If a fragment contains the root_id, it will traverse the outgoing edges of the root_id by auto_map_->ActiveEMap. Then F is applied to each vertex stem from root_id. It updates the value of v if it is large than the value of u by write_min. Finally, kernel_pull_border_vertexes update all labels of border vertices in parallel.

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCAutoMap : public minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  using GID_T = typename GRAPH_T::gid_t;
  using VID_T = typename GRAPH_T::vid_t;
  using VDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::vdata_t;
  using EDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::edata_t;
  using VertexInfo = minigraph::graphs::VertexInfo<typename GRAPH_T::vid_t,
                                                   typename GRAPH_T::vdata_t,
                                                   typename GRAPH_T::edata_t>;

  WCCAutoMap() : minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>() {}

  bool F(const VertexInfo& u, VertexInfo& v,
         GRAPH_T* graph = nullptr) override {
    return write_min(v.vdata, u.vdata[0]);
  static bool kernel_push_border_vertexes(GRAPH_T* graph, const size_t tid,
                                          Bitmap* visited, const size_t step,
                                          Bitmap* global_border_vid_map,
                                          VDATA_T* global_border_vdata) {
    for (size_t i = tid; i < graph->get_num_vertexes(); i += step) {
      auto u = graph->GetVertexByIndex(i);
      if (global_border_vid_map->get_bit(graph->localid2globalid(u.vid)) == 0)
      auto global_id = graph->localid2globalid(u.vid);
      write_min((global_border_vdata + global_id), u.vdata[0]);
    return true;

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCPIE : public minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  WCCPIE(minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>* auto_map,
         const CONTEXT_T& context)
      : minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>(auto_map, context) {}

  bool PEval(GRAPH_T& graph,
             minigraph::executors::TaskRunner* task_runner) override {
    if (!graph.IsInGraph(this->context_.root_id)) return false;
    auto vid_map = this->msg_mngr_->GetVidMap();
    Bitmap* in_visited = new Bitmap(graph.get_num_vertexes());
    Bitmap* out_visited = new Bitmap(graph.get_num_vertexes());
    Bitmap visited(graph.get_num_vertexes());
    bool run = true;
    while (run) {
      run = this->auto_map_->ActiveEMap(in_visited, out_visited, graph,
                                        task_runner, vid_map, &visited);
      std::swap(in_visited, out_visited);
        graph, task_runner, &visited,
        WCCAutoMap<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>::kernel_push_border_vertexes,

    delete in_visited;
    delete out_visited;
    return true;

Fulfill IncEval Function

The differences between IncEval and PEval of WCC algorithm are (1) IncEval is invoked on each fragment, rather than only the fragment with root_id. (2) A pull operation, kernel_pull_border_vertexes,
to capture incremental information from border vertices.

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCAutoMap : public minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {
  using GID_T = typename GRAPH_T::gid_t;
  using VID_T = typename GRAPH_T::vid_t;
  using VDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::vdata_t;
  using EDATA_T = typename GRAPH_T::edata_t;
  using VertexInfo = minigraph::graphs::VertexInfo<typename GRAPH_T::vid_t,
                                                   typename GRAPH_T::vdata_t,
                                                   typename GRAPH_T::edata_t>;

  static bool kernel_pull_border_vertexes(GRAPH_T* graph, const size_t tid,
                                          Bitmap* visited, const size_t step,
                                          Bitmap* in_visited,
                                          Bitmap* global_border_vid_map,
                                          VDATA_T* global_border_vdata) {
    for (size_t i = tid; i < graph->get_num_vertexes(); i += step) {
      auto u = graph->GetVertexByIndex(i);
      for (size_t nbr_i = 0; nbr_i < u.indegree; nbr_i++) {
        if (global_border_vid_map->get_bit(u.in_edges[nbr_i]) == 0) continue;
        if (global_border_vdata[u.in_edges[nbr_i]] < u.vdata[0]) {
          u.vdata[0] = global_border_vdata[u.in_edges[nbr_i]];
    return true;

template <typename GRAPH_T, typename CONTEXT_T>
class WCCPIE : public minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T> {

  WCCPIE(minigraph::AutoMapBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>* auto_map,
         const CONTEXT_T& context)
      : minigraph::AutoAppBase<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>(auto_map, context) {}

  bool IncEval(GRAPH_T& graph,
               minigraph::executors::TaskRunner* task_runner) override {
    LOG_INFO("IncEval() - Processing gid: ", graph.gid_);
    Bitmap visited(graph.get_num_vertexes());
    Bitmap* in_visited = new Bitmap(graph.get_num_vertexes());
    Bitmap* out_visited = new Bitmap(graph.get_num_vertexes());
    auto vid_map = this->msg_mngr_->GetVidMap();

        graph, task_runner, &visited,
        WCCAutoMap<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>::kernel_pull_border_vertexes, in_visited,

    bool run = true;
    while (run) {
      run = this->auto_map_->ActiveEMap(in_visited, out_visited, graph,
                                        task_runner, vid_map, &visited);
      std::swap(in_visited, out_visited);

        graph, task_runner, &visited,
        WCCAutoMap<GRAPH_T, CONTEXT_T>::kernel_push_border_vertexes,

    delete in_visited;
    delete out_visited;
    auto visited_num = visited.get_num_bit();
    return !visited.empty();

A fragment will repeat the IncEval until there are no messages received. When all the fragments are finished with computation, the algorithm is terminated.

Contact Us

For bugs, please raise an issue on GiHub. Questions and comments are also welcome at my email: [email protected]


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