Planar is a single-machine system for graph analytics by reusing existing PRAM algorithms. It supports both out-of-core and in-memory analytics, and provides a set of graph algorithms, including WCC, SSSP, MST, Coloring, PageRank and Random Walk.
Planar builds, runs, and has been tested on GNU/Linux. It depends on the following libraries:
- C++17 standard library
- CMake (>=2.8)
- Facebook folly library (latest version)
- GoogleTest (>= 1.11.0)
- yaml-cpp (>= 0.6.3)
- liburing (need linux kernel version >= 5.6)
First, install all dependencies. Then, run the following commands to build Planar:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Second, build yaml-cpp library for Planar.
cd third_party/yaml-cpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Third, install liburing library for Planar.
git clone
cd liburing
sudo make install
Finally, build Planar in project root directory.
After build, you can find the applications binary in root directory bin/planar/
To run the applications, you can use the following command:
./bin/planar/wcc_exec -i [input path] -p [parallelism]
other applications are similar.
./bin/planar/sssp_exec -i [input path] -p [parallelism] -source [source vertex id]
./bin/planar/mst_exec -i [input path] -p [parallelism]
./bin/planar/coloring_exec -i [input path] -p [parallelism]
./bin/planar/pagerank_exec -i [input path] -p [parallelism] -iter [iteration]
./bin/planar/random_walk_exec -i [input path] -p [parallelism] -walk [steps]
Planar use customized CSR format.
To get the final CSR format graph, you need to convert the Edgelist format graph file to a basic CSR binary file first.
Then partitioning the CSR graph to multiple subgraphs. The process is: Edgelist -> CSR -> Partitioned CSR
./bin/tools/graph_convertor_exec -i [input path] -o [output path] -t edgelistcsv2csrbin
./bin/planar/partitioner_exec -i [input path] -o [output path] -p [partition number] -cut_v [cut vertex number]
We also provide docs for the converter and partitioner, You can follow the tools/docs
and planar/docs
to do this.
For bugs, please raise an issue on GiHub. Questions and comments are also welcome at my email: [email protected].