Connects to an RDMP database defined in a Databases.yaml file and reformats the DQE results for imaging tables to JSON.
Normal usage:
Run only on Catalogues with 'edris' in the name (case insensitive):
DqeToImagingJson --only edris
--logstartup Output the RDMP startup messages (for debugging connection issues)
--only (Default: Table$) Regular expression for matching Catalogue names to process. Defaults to
--modalitypattern (Default: ^([A-Z][A-Z])_) Regular expression for extracting Modality from a Catalogue name. Must
have a capture group. Defaults to '^([A-Z][A-Z])_'
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
value pos. 0 (Default: Databases.yaml) Path to a yaml file that stores the connection strings to the RDMP
platform databases. Defaults to 'Databases.yaml'