#618 by tznind.
Added progress when loading large files (with cancellation support)
Now groups outstanding failures by column
Fixed rules being flagged as 'Identical' when classifying different
input columns
#634 by rkm. Convert to
single entry-point app
Breaking: Existing scripts and processes which reference the old
#636 by howff. Improvements
to Python scripts, tests, documentation
#647 by howff. Improved
testing of SR anonymiser with a standalone stub
#662 by tznind. Added ability
to ignore multiple failures at once in Is Identifiable Reviewer
#597 by tznind. Fixed
ConsensusRules not being run
#619 by jas88. Reduce memory
consumption in nerd
#632 by rkm. Normalise the
IsIdentifiableReviewer namespace to match the other Applications
#646 by howff. Call the
garbage collector (and report progress) every 1000 records processed from a
database source in IsIdentifiable.
#650 by howff. Create python
package called SmiServices so a wheel can be created.
Rename all the imports for the new package name
Remove references to PYTHONPATH Replace all paths and relative imports
to be independent of current directory Fixes to python tests
#656 by howff. SRAnonTool
updated to handle the output from the latest SemEHR anonymiser and ignore
None-type annotations
#661 by tznind. Fixed layout
of main window so it no longer obscures classification/type
#665 by tznind. Fixed tree
view loosing selected index when updating/ignoring a failure (in tree view)
#666 by howff. Silence
deprecation warning from newer Python as noted by the azure pipeline test
#588 by rkm. Prevent
additional language packs being included in published packages. Reduces
overall package size a bit.
#592 by rkm. Manually update
csvhelper to 25.0.0, fo-dicom to 4.0.7
#616 by rkm. Check for
clobbered files during package build
#620 by rkm. Replace the
legacy SecurityCodeScan with SecurityCodeScan.VS2019
#637 by rkm. Change to
tracking PR changes in news fragment files. Add a script to auto-update the
CHANGELOG from these files.
#648 by rkm. Remove the
temporary reference to BadMedicine added in
#654 by howff. Add Azure
Pipelines test and packaging for the Python scripts
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