- Use the template
to create a document that describes at least three classes/hobbies/jobs on your weekly schedule this semester (Note: you can replace 1-2 classes with hobbies, clubs, jobs, etc) - Students may help one another, but each student must submit his/her own original work to be graded.
- You need to make at least 3 commits--pushed to GitHub--that show incremental progress as you complete the assignment (e.g., one to initialize the project, one after each topic you describe, others for editing etc)
- Each topic must be accompanied by an embedded image & working link to a public website related to the topic (e.g., Wikipedia--not Canvas).
- Help each other, share Rmd tips, use RStudio Cheat Sheets, post questions/answers/syntax to Discussion board.
- Submit your completed R Notebook as well as your original .Rmd document to Canvas by September 14th at 12 p.m.
This activity is worth a total of 10 points:
- [1.5 points] Submitted documents are an R Notebook (.nb.html) and the RMarkdown document (.Rmd)
- [1 point] Name and Due Date is correct
- [1.5 points] at least three (3) "commits" with Git--"pushed" to GitHub) as you progress on the assignment - I will be grading this portion in GitHub as this is where I can see your committs.
- [1.5 points] Level 3 heading (
) for each class/topic (class, hobby, club, job, etc) - [1.5 points] One or two sentences of narrative text describing each class/topic
- [1.5 points] working links to a public webpage relevant to your class/topic
- [1.5 points] embedded images relevant to each topic (captions encouraged)
- Make sure you submit an R Notebook and the .Rmd file, NOT some other type of document R Markdown can make. Here are some tips to make sure you have the right one:
- RStudio automatically generates with ".nb.html" extension (like
) - The R Notebook document (with ".nb.html" extension) should have a button at the top right that says "Code" which provides several options including "Download Rmd" (see
for example)
- RStudio automatically generates with ".nb.html" extension (like
- Embedding Images: Notice in
that images can be embedded using a URL to a public webpage hosting the image (e.g., the drum set) or an image file in the Repo (e.g., tidyverse.png). If you are using an image saved in your repo, pay attention to absolute vs. relative file paths (seeOliviaExample.nb.html
for more information) - Embedding Links: Make sure you choose public webpages. Links to Canvas pages or things on your local computer will NOT work for the grader!