idklang is compiled(transpiled to C++) custom programming language I made in a day. Since I had some spare time I decided to improve it. idklang's file extension is .idk. The syntax of a mix of JS, C++ and Python. There is probably ton of bugs already so if you find don't forget report it.
Use git to clone the project
git clone
mkdir -p cmakebuild
cd cmakebuild
cmake .. # use -G "MinGW Makefiles" flag if you are using MinGW
./target/idklang <idklang file path>
[-o: output file]
[--keep: to keep the C++ file]
[--no-compile: does not compile into executable]
import def "idklang.hpp"
start {
var s="Hello World";
Or check out examples folder to see more examples
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.