Export from anime-planet to my anime list. Credit to (the good people at mal)[https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=135910].
- Install Python 3.5.2 (other versions may work, but this is the version I'm using)
- When you install Python make sure you install pip and add python to your path.
- In cmd run this command
pip install beautifulsoup4
some warnings will apear, just ignore it. - (Save the script)[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SalamanderSandwich/ap2mal/master/ap2mal.py]
- Open cmd
- Run script with
python ap2mal.py
In the same folder where the script is there will a file named ap2mal-output.log
this lists the name of the anime on ap and the name on mal. If you want read thru the list and verify that the names are correct. If the transfer fails the mal name will be failed
, those have to be added manually.