an e-commerce website with stripe payment integrated for shopping with the latest clothing lines.
this project was done in one week by a team of four for RBK bootcamp Junior phase.
Project is created with:
- mongoose version: 5.8.4
- express version:4.17.1
- React library version: 16.12.0
- NodeJS version: 12.13.0
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ npm install
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ cd ..
$ npm run dev
Configure and export environment variables you will have to make a config file with the name config.env inside a config directory in the root in order for the dotenv package to work. add the following to the file:
# NODE_ENV= development or deployment
# PORT= portNumber
# MONGO_URI= database connection url
# JWT_SECRET= secretkey
# JWT_EXPIRE=jwt expire
# STRIPE_SECRET_KEY= stripeSectetKey
- for api documentation you'll need to visit this link and hit the '/' endpoint
- view products by sections
- add items to cart
- checkout with stripe payment method
- Admin dashboard
To search for items use special shortcode: const search = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case SEARCH_QUERY: return { ...state, text: action.payload, loading: false }; case FETCH_ITEM: return { ...state, results: action.payload }; default: return state; } };
Project is finished
created by @Salim-Alsaeh, @rue-elwahishi, @psktcsharp, and @Muftah-Elzawi