In this notebook I want to show how you can calculate the win probability of a chess player given the engone evaluation of the position. This was to reproduce the numbers in this post. Converting an engine evaluation to a winning chance is useful because it considers how effective humans convert a position compared to an engine.
Lichess calculates the winning chances using a logistic regression. The winning chance of the White player is calculated as
The blogpost claims the exponent is based on real game data. So I downloaded a bunch of pro games and decided to try to reproduce this number. I analyzed over 1000 games with Stockfish and calculated an exponent of
If we plot all positions and their evaluations we can see the following distribution:
At the beginning of the game its unclear. The longer the games goes the more the evaluations tend to be decisive.
The games were parsed and each position fen written in to a database. I then used Stockfish 15 to evaluate the positions. As search limit was set to three million nodes. This is more than the Lichess server analysis but still runs good on a normal PC. I also saved the Elo of both players and move numbers.
For the next step I used scikit-learn. All samples were weighted such that each game has the same effect on the result. To fit the logistic regression I used the LogisticRegressionCV
module of scikit-learn which uses cross validation to find the best hyperparameters.
The results are pretty interesting. I got an exponent of
The function is the following:
Using different hyperparameters yields highly varying results. The most important hyperparameter seems to be the regularization strength. A low regularization (
Using the elo difference of both players can increase the accuracy to
It is easy to extend this model to use more features or to predict win/draw/loss chances instead of only win/loss chances. Ply numbers and the elo of the players are already implemented in the notebook.
I analyzed games from the Lichess Elite Database from April 2022.
The parameter is the inverse of the regularization strength. ↩