You need to have unix/MacOS to run the project.
Steps to run the project locally:
- Go to the project directory.
- Install dfx. (version 0.7.0 was used)
- npm install
- dfx start
- In the secound console: dfx deploy
- The project should be visible on
Welcome to your new guestbook project and to the internet computer development community. By default, creating a new project adds this README and some template files to your project directory. You can edit these template files to customize your project and to include your own code to speed up the development cycle.
To get started, you might want to explore the project directory structure and the default configuration file. Working with this project in your development environment will not affect any production deployment or identity tokens.
To learn more before you start working with guestbook, see the following documentation available online:
If you want to start working on your project right away, you might want to try the following commands:
cd guestbook/
dfx help
dfx config --help