This final project is a very simplified version of a "Soulslike" videogame.
You can play the game at this link.
You can also directly launch a low spec version of the game (only accessible when your performance is low) here.
Sometimes, if you reload the page through the browser, the sound of the game is muted, it is a Babylon.js thing. To reactivate the audio just click on the symbol in the the left upper corner (then you have to click again on the canvas to focus it and use the controls).
Combat controls:
W: walk foward
S: walk back
A: walk left
D: walk right
Q: rotate left
E: rotate right
W+Space bar: dodge forward
S+Space bar: dodge back
A+Space bar: dodge left
D+Space bar: dodge right
Left click (mouse): light attack
Right click (mouse): heavy attack
R: heal
Debug controls:
P: show all hitboxes
L: switch between default follow camera and free camera